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(Three, I don't like thriller movies. But if I'm with you, even if I watch ten of them. I'm okay.)
- Winner 'Millions'

"Would you like to repeat that, Lisa?"

"Listen I said I'm sorry!"

"It's too late for that now! We've been on this trip for an hour, A FUCKING HOUR AND YOU'VE ALREADY MANAGED TO GET US LOST!"

After a bit more screams and rude names hands started to get involved causing Hyebin to run in between the two and push them apart. "Would the both of you stop, we're all lost here! Listen, I don't know how the fuck Lisa already managed to get us lost but Ryujin, you yelling at her isn't going solve anything."

"How do you advise we get out of here Hyebin unnie?" Nancy called out from a tree she had climbed up on to get a better view of the area.

"Well, that depends on what you see up there. For example, if you see some sort of town, we head towards that, however if you see trees, trees and more trees we find a river and follow it."

"How do you know that Hyebin?" Yeji asked while helping Nancy get down from the tree.

"Boy scouts." She shrugged.

Ryujin tilted her head at this statement and made a face of confusion. "But that's the boy scouts. As in boys only."

"Keonhee wouldn't go unless I joined." She shrugged again before looking at Nancy.

The only reply she got though was a sigh and a face palm. "If we keep heading in the direction, we're currently going in we'll end straight back at Yuki Town."

"ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT WE'VE BEEN GOING IN CIRCLES THIS WHOLE TIME!?!" Yeji yelled before turning to face Lisa while a glare.

"Practically." Nancy huffed jumping down from the tree.

"Stop looking at me like that I said I'm sorry!" Lisa whined hiding behind Nancy to avoid Yeji's gaze.

"Guys calm down, let's just get back to Yuki Town then if we continue our journey onto Fuyu City we should arrive around an hour and a half before dark." Hyebin said holding her fingers above her to make a rectangle before nodding to herself and marching off.

When the others started following her Ryujin looked at Lisa and asked, "How exactly does she know this stuff."

"She says it's got to do with the boy scouts thingy, but I'm pretty sure it's just because she's a psychic." Lisa whispered back.

Ryujin nodded in before turning to Nancy who sighed, "She has a watch and map in her bag."



"Are we there yet?!"


Lisa's eyes widened and she hid behind Nancy for the tenth time that day. Ryujin just scoffed and walked faster to catch up with Yeji and Hyebin.

"Someone's on their period." Lisa said rolling her eyes.

Soon the clear blue sky turned pink and orange and the forest, which was originally just trees and snow, disappeared and became a cityscape.

"Welcome to Fuyu city, known for its rich history and freezing temperatures...told ya we'd be here before dark." Hyebin smiled motioning the old buildings in front of them. "Now if you'd please follow me, I shall take us to the Pokémon Centre where we can all have a meal and rest together."

Let's Go Tōshō!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang