↺ 009 : nagging mothers & angry best friends

Start from the beginning

Me: hey.
Me: you working today?

"Lenny," CJ called, dragging out the letters of my name far more than necessary. I ignored her. "Lenny," she hissed again.

"What?" I threw back, barely taking my eyes off the screen in front of me. I decided that he was busy, since he couldn't attend to his phone, and ultimately that he must be at work, because where else could he possibly be?

"Why are you being like this?" she whispered harshly. "You're acting like a total bitch, and it's all because of some stupid match. Get over it. It's not a big deal. And stop ignoring me."

"I'm not ignoring you." I glanced at her long enough for her to see my very blank expression. "I just don't have anything to say to you." She snorted. My eyes narrowed. "What? It's true."

CJ let out a long, theatrical sigh and pushed her way off the bed and to her feet. Long strawberry pink hair fell at her sides, framing her face and adding to that overall menacing look she was most likely going for. Of course, it didn't work on me-not the way she would've liked it to.

"Lenny, I think you should-"

My phone vibrated against my thigh. I put up a hand to shush her so I could attend to it. He'd responded. I couldn't help but bite down on my lip.

DO: Uh, yeah, at the moment, but I get off soon... Wanna chat? Maybe have a coffee?
DO: Is something up?

"You can't just keep ignoring me," whined CJ. She tossed a small square pillow at my head.

I cut my eyes to her. "Stop that."

"Talk to me."

"I am. Stop being a brat."

She stalked up to me, arms crossed. "Fine, then." She planted herself between me and my textbooks, a little too close for comfort, but I didn't dare complain. "Okay, talk to me."

I turned back to my phone. "What about?"

Me: oh, me? i'm good. just wanted to talk, if that's okay. be there in twenty?

DO: Ten if you can :)

My frustrated roommate threw her hands up in exasperation, a crease forming between her eyebrows. "Why are you doing this? I already apologized for the iMeet Cute thing ... Wait. Is this about me nearly maxing out your card? You know I didn't mean to."

Forcing a smile, I tilted my head and said, "CJ, I promise I'm not mad at you. A little upset, yeah, but it almost has nothing to do with you. I'm just under a lot of stress right now, and you're not helping by asking questions all the time. We are friends, as sad as that may sound, and I'm not going anywhere. Not yet."

She gave me a blank stare all the way back to her bed, walking backwards in refusal to take her eyes off me.

"We're good?"

She lifted a shoulder. "Yeah, sure whatever."

Great timing. Excellent choice of words, Lenny. "Thank. You." Great for me, and this friendship, but especially for me because I had somewhere to be and I did not intend to be late. "By the way, I'm heading out. Want anything from Sweet Cube?"

CJ didn't look at me. "No, thanks. Have fun."

• • •

I WAS CERTAIN I HAD rocks in my stomach. I mean, according to the degree I was working to get, I knew for a fact that I didn't have rocks in my stomach, gut, or anywhere at all, but it sure felt like it. I just wasn't sure why.

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