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It was a freezing winter's evening. Snow had fallen a few hours before- still is. People were out and about, buying and selling in the early moon's light. Christmas was around the corner, and last minute shopping had begun.

One of these people was a man by the name of Wilfred Mott. His coat was wrapped tightly around his chest, the familiar red beanie perched atop his greyed hair.

This was an all well and normal night for everyone.

But Wilfred knew better.

He paused in his walking and raised a hand to his forehead lightly, wincing. An image floated across his mind, and a familiar sound appeared in his ears. It was laughter. laughter filled with menace. This was his nightmare.

Every night for the past week, Wilfred and everyone else in the world dreamt of this evil laughing man. It clouded his mind wherever he went and knew trouble was behind it. There was a problem, however.

Nobody else remembered it.

They had all forgotten their dreams and carried on with life.

So that's what Wilfred did.

A group of about six were all carrying instruments and playing them, a carol of sorts echoing around the town square. Without noticing, Wilfred had caught sight of a church and walked the remaining distance, going in. A choir of children around 8-12 were at the top of the cathedral, dressed in long white robes.

Taking off his hat, Wilfred began the walk down the isles, when he noticed something odd. At the top of the church where the choir was singing, was a glass window. It had tinted pictures all across it, but an oh-so-familiar image in the bottom left-hand corner stood out from the rest.

Upon closer examination he was shocked to find his suspicions come true. For there was a small, hardly noticeable blue box. But it was no ordinary blue box. Wilfred had only seen it a few times before, but knew its every detail.

It was the blue box. The TARDIS.

"They call it the legend of the blue box."

There was suddenly a women dressed in a white formal jacket with short cropped hair, fairly close to Wilfred's age if not younger. "Oh, I uh- never been in here before. Not one for churches. Too cold." Wilfred stuttered at the start, startled by the women's appearance.

"This was the site of a convent, back in the 1300s." The women spoke. "It's said a demon fell from the sky. Then a man appeared. A man in a blue box. They called him the sainted physician. He smote the demon and then disappeared."

Wilfred laughed humourlessly.

"That's a bit of a coincidence." He said, looking back to the window.

"It said there's no such thing as coincidence. Who knows? Perhaps he's coming back."

Wilfred sighed happily at the thought, "Oh, that would make my Christmas!" He said, turning around again to face the women, only to be faced with air. Looking around in confusion, Wilfred couldn't see her. There was no women anymore.

Only... There was a sound in the distance.

Not something, someone.

The laughter of The Master.


Hello there! Welcome to my new story- Mad!

Hope you enjoy it, as much as the first one. <3 \(^O^ )/ Chapter updates every Sunday and Wednesday!

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