14 - Much...

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Feeling like a volcano about to erupt was the worst feeling you could ever remember feeling. It had a sense of danger and also self-hate but of course the thing that stood out more was the fact that there would be a time when you had to explode. That time was now.

Aggressively, you stomped up to Gally. Gally was your best friend and had been your best friend for a year now. But he hadn't been acting like it lately. He'd been cold and had been ignoring you. You asked him about it, to which he said he hadn't a clue what you were on about.

"Right, listen here, shank!" You yelled at him, pointing your index finger at his chest. Gally was much taller than you but you were much more angry than him right now. "What are you playing at?"

Backing up a few steps, Gally looked at you with a furrowed brow. "Y/n, I'd rather not have this discussion with you right now." He discreetly said through gritted teeth.

"Well, tough look! This is happening and I don't care if everyone was to listen in on it!"

You were desperate for answers right now. Usually, you weren't so bold in front of all the other boys but this was different. This was important. Yeah, Gally was your best friend but you had also had to carry the guilt of having a massive crush on him.

"Y/n, calm down." Gally pleaded.

Giving him a shove, you crossed your arms. "No! Tell me what I've done wrong!" Now, a crowd began to form. It was mostly just builders but you saw Clint, Zart and Jeff begin to approach.

Suddenly, Gally picked you up and flung you over his shoulder. You yelped in surprise. "Put me down, you slinthead!" You attacked his back and chest but nothing you did stifled his strength on you.

It was hard pushing the butterflies that had bloomed in your stomach surprisingly but you did it.

Eventually, Gally had reached somewhere he'd marked as private. Behind the homestead. "Let me make this clear to you, you've done nothing wrong, okay?" He said it in a manner which you had to believe. His tone was pretty commanding but it wasn't unfamiliar. You were a builder to so he often gave out orders in the same voice.

"Then why are you ignoring me?" You crossed your arms and even though you were quite intimidated of Gally in this moment, you kept your posture well.

Gally didn't answer that. Moments passed by and the silence was never filled until Gally began, "I need to go."

You were even more upset now and the fear that you'd felt before had disappeared completely. It was replaced with anguish and desperation. "Don't you dare!" You pulled Gally back and spun him around so he was the one being advanced on.

Looking shocked, Gally looked straight into your eyes. You saw that there was something else in his eyes. But you weren't able to figure it out before Gally had pushed you back just enough to make you stumble a few steps away from him.

"Y/n, let me be!" Although, Gally didn't act on his words and stood rigidly two steps ahead of where he stood a minute ago.

"Not until you tell me what's happened. Please, Gal." You begged him with a softer voice than before and you could visibly see this made more of an effect than before.

"I can't. Just forget about me for God's sake." He retorted. Now, he began walking away. Though, you couldn't let that happen so you ran up to Gally and pulled him back with all your strength.

Apparently, you were much stronger than you guessed. Gally ended up falling over his feet and pushing you down with him. But you never hid the ground. Gally had caught you by the waist mid-fall and propped himself up so he was supporting both himself and you.

"I shucking love you, Y/n. I didn't want to tell you and ruin our friendship, alright?" Gally confessed with a craving look of despair.

You were speechless and your mind stopped functioning. It was the best news you'd heard of yet you still slapped Gally across the face. He stumbled backwards as you straightened your shirt and jeans.

"Okay, now that was a bit-" Gally was interrupted by your hands pulling his face to yours quickly. You kissed him passionately for what felt like an eternity but could've been only a couple of seconds. As you pulled away from him, Gally muttered deeply, "Much..."

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