Battle of khatoli

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In the year 1509, maharana took the throne of Mewar, after settling in Mewar, Rana started making matrimonial alliances with big kingdoms of Rajputana He made Karam chanpawar the general of Ajmer. by doing that he made his position strong politically. after securing his throne, he attacked idar, where the ruler bharmal was allied with the shah of Gujrat Mahmud shah. Rana Sanga was so decisive that the ruler of idar ran to Gujrat. rana's eye was always on the throne of Delhi, he attacked lands near Delhi and conquered them, now Delhi wasn't far, Everyone was shocked by ranas rapid growth. To counter this in 1518 the sultan of Delhi Ibrahim Lodi sent a reasonable force to attack Mewar, took place the battle of khatoli. Sanga also had prepared a large army of Rajput warriors and had advanced to meet him and the two armies met near the village of Khatoli on the borders of Haravati (Haraoti) in present-day Lakheri, Rajasthan. Ibrahim Lodi's army could not stand the onslaught of the Rajputs, and after a fight lasting two pahars (five hours), the Sultan's army gave way and fled, followed by the Sultan himself, leaving a Lodi prince prisoner in the hands of Rana Sanga. The prince was released after a few days, on payment of a ransom. In this battle, Rana Sanga lost an arm by a sword cut, and an arrow also hit him in the leg.

In the aftermath of this battle, the resources of Ibrahim were depleted by this war with Sanga so he could not renew the contest for some time. However, he sought vengeance on Maharana Sanga for the disastrous defeat inflicted by the Rana Sanga at Khatoli. And when the rebellion of Islam Khan, which had assumed serious proportions, was suppressed, Sultan Ibrahim Lodi prepared another large army to attack Mewar.

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