The Reminder

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Luna opened her eyes slowly, taking in her surroundings. As she awoke, she realized she was in what looked like a glass cell. Narrowing her eyes, she looked around, noting it was circular. As she was taking in her surroundings a door opened. Her eyes quickly shifted to see Bucky and Steve walk in. A smirk played upon her lips as she stood to face them, tilting her head slightly to the side. 

"Well if it isn't the Captain and Soldier again." She spoke, taunting.

"We don't know what they did to you, but this isn't you." Steve spoke. 

"But isn't it?" She laughed. "I was never a hero boys."

"But you aren't this either!" Bucky protested. "I know who you are. You aren't the enemy, Luna. You aren't the villain." 

"DO YOU SEE WHERE I AM?!" She slammed her fist against the glass as she yelled, "I am in a cell. If I wasn't the enemy I wouldn't be here, would I?!"

"You're only in there because we have to get you back." Bucky spoke fondly.

"Back? When will you two stop fooling yourselves? This is who I am!"

Bucky hit a button on a keypad, the door to her cell opening. He nodded to Steve and entered her cell. Before Luna could react, Steve reclosed the cell, leaving Bucky and Luna trapped together. Luna narrowed her eyes again, stepping back from Bucky. He stared at her with a fondness and it made her uneasy. 

"What are you doing?" She questioned him, keeping herself guarded.


Bucky stepped closer. Before he could do anything, Luna grabbed him, launching him up and watching as he hit the ceiling and collapsed on the ground with a grunt. She proceeded to press her boot to his back, pinning him on the ground. As she went to speak, he flipped over, throwing her off balance and kicked her, sending her into the glass. She felt the air leave her chest as she slid to the ground. She caught her breath, looking up at him. 

"Hard way or easy way. Your choice."

"Hard way it is then." She smirked. 

She launched herself at Bucky and the two began fighting. Steve stood outside, watching them in case he needed to intervene. Steve was caught off guard as Luna launched Bucky into the glass in front of him, laughing as she watched him slide to the ground. Steve blinked, making eye contact with her. Luna stared him down until Bucky stood up again, blocking their view of each other. After a few hours of them fighting, Luna was on her knees panting. She may have been a super soldier, but even they had her limits. She wiped the blood off her lip, looking at the ground. She heard a step and looked up, only to find Bucky towering over her, catching her off guard. Before she could do anything his lips were pressed against hers, his arms around her. She struggled for a moment before a sharp pain rushed into her head, crippling her body. She felt herself go almost weightless in Bucky's arms, slowly losing consciousness, her memories clearing up and returning to her. As Luna slept, she dreamt of the visit she and Thanos paid Thor and his brother, Loki. 


"Give me the stone, Loki." Thanos demanded, holding Thor by the top of his head, holding the gauntlet to Thor's temple. "Give me the Tesseract or it's your brothers head."  He threatened, pressing the stone against Thor's temple.

Luna and Loki watched as Thor cried out in pain. She quickly shifted her vision back to Loki's face, seeing the concern wash over him as he listened and watched. Luna smirked, stepping closer to Loki. The God of Mischief was known for tricks and she wasn't about to be fooled in case his concern was a mirage. 

"Alright, stop!" Loki yelled, causing Thanos to remove the gauntlet from Thor. "Also.. we have a Hulk." 

Luna blinked and turned to see a giant green man launch himself at Thanos. She jumped back to avoid being caught in their fight as Loki dodged the same direction. Luna met eyes with Loki and smirked, battling Loki as Thanos battled Hulk. Thor quickly jumped up as Thanos knocked Hulkk out, Luna remaining distracted with Loki. The two stopped their fight as Loki watched Ebony wrap Thor in metal. Shortly after, Heimdall sent Hulk into the Bifrost, saving him. The group watched as Thor stabbed Heimdall in the heart, ending his life. 

Ebony and Obsidian handed Thanos the Tesseract, watching as Thanos crushed it to reveal the Space stone. He placed it on his gauntlet and smirked. Ebony, Obsidian, and Luna all bowed to Thanos before standing up to face Loki who had stepped forward.

"If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have some experience in that arena." He spoke light heartedly.

Luna narrowed her eyes, watching as he pledged himself to Thanos. She picked up on Thor staring at something, shifting her eyes quickly to where he was staring. That was when she saw it, the blade Loki had summoned. Her eyes widened as she stepped forward, gripping the Gods arm as he tried to stab Thanos. Twisting his arm, causing him to drop it, she then threw him across the ship. He landed next to the still restrained Thor, staring at them. Thanos smirked and teleported the four of them away, leaving Thor and Loki to deal with the carnage left behind. 


Luna sat up, gasping for air. She looked around, realizing it was darker than before. She wasn't in her cell anymore, it was her room now. Controlling her breathing, her eyes searched the room. That's when she saw him, asleep in the chair next to her bed. Luna placed her head in her hands, sobbing. Everything she did rushed back, all the people she hurt for Thanos and his team. 

"Luna?" Bucky spoke sleepily.

"B-Bucky?" she stuttered, trying to wipe her tears away. 

He moved himself from the chair, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He saw her crying and wrapped her gently in his arms, pulling her closer to him. He readjusted himself to lay back on the bed, bringing her with him. Luna sobbed quietly into his chest, gripping his shirt. He rubbed her back gently, kissing the top of her head. 

"It's okay." He spoke softly.

"No.. the things I did Buck..." She trailed off.

"Luna, that wasn't you. You were being controlled." He cupped her face with his metal arm, looking at her. "You weren't you." He reassured, kissing her forehead.

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