The Party

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The two of them walked down the stairs together, arms linked. Luna took a deep breath, feeling the nerves rise again. Bucky gave her arm a gentle squeeze as they walked down into the sea of people together. His presence gave her comfort, one she hadn't known before. She kind of liked it, though she'd never tell him. Luna took in the people before her before looking to him with confusion.

"I thought this was a party to meet the rest of the Avengers."

"It is. Why?"

"Well.. I didn't think there was this many people in the Avengers." She tilted her head, her confusion growing. 

Steve laughed as he overheard her, "They're not. It's Tony, though. He goes above and beyond whenever he can."

Luna looked to Steve and nodded, "Makes sense."

"Shall we go meet the actual Avengers?" Steve smiled, leading the way with Bucky and Luna trailing behind.

Steve led the pair to a smaller, more private room filled with a group of people. Luna stiffened as her eyes searched the faces before her. There was still more than she expected there to be, but it was a lot better than a house full of guests that was behind the door they'd just entered. Bucky led her towards the group, giving her arm another gentle squeeze. 

"AH! Luna, the star of the party, has finally arrive. Looking dashing, even." Tony spoke.

"Uh, thanks?" 

"It was a compliment, take it." He smiled, "Anyways, Luna, you've got to meet the rest of the team. You already know Steve and Nat. You've seen Thor when we all first found you."

A tall, blond haired man stepped forward, a wide smile on his face. His eyes focused on her as he bowed, gently taking her hand and lifting it to his lips. He placed a gentle kiss upon the back of her hand before letting her go and stepping back. Luna nodded at him, taking note of the hammer behind him. 

"Pleasure, Lady Luna." Thor spoke. 

"And then there's Banner, who's also Hulk." Tony spoke before Luna or Thor could say more. 

"Wait what?" Luna looked to Tony, confused.

"It's a long story.." A man with short brown hair spoke, stepping forward, "but I'm Bruce. When I'm me, I'm a scientist. When I'm Hulk.. Well, I'm a big green guy." 

Luna noted he struggled to make eye contact, and when he did he didn't seem to hold it for long. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Bruce. I do hope to meet Hulk eventually." 

"Of course." Bruce nodded before stepping back. 

"Now there's Sam, who is known as Falcon." Tony grinned.

Luna watched as a young, fit guy stepped forward with a smile that lit up the room, "Pleasure Luna. Heard a lot about you from Steve and Buck here. Been waiting to meet you." 

"I hope it was all good things." 

Before Sam could answer, Tony was speaking again, "This is Wanda and Vision." 

Luna looked at a couple who she couldn't help but smile at. The way the two stood together, it warmed her heart. The love the two shared was clear before her. She didn't know if they were together or not, but she could see what they had was strong.

"Hi." Wanda spoke in a short and quite voice, her accent was heavy. Luna recognized it but couldn't put a finger on it. 

"Pleasure." Vision spoke before Luna could think more on it.

Luna nodded, looking to see who else was there. "Luna, last, but not least, is Clint."

"He's my long time friend." Nat spoke up, smiling at Clint. 

A man with short spikey brown hair stepped by Nat and nodded to her. "Hey there."

"Hello." Luna smiled. "It's really a pleasure to meet all of you. I'm not sure if I can bring to the table what the rest of you do, but I can only do my best." 

"Nonsense Luna, you'll do fine." Nat spoke.

Before the conversation could continue Tony interjected, "Alright, now that everyone has met it is time to go ahead and drink!" 


The group had reformed out in the lounge with drinks in hand. Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Stark had grouped up at the pool table, chatting and laughing amongst themselves. Luna sat with Nat and another red head named Pepper. She sipped her Whiskey Sour as she watched Bucky carefully. Nat had picked up on Luna watching the boys and smirked. 

"Got your eye on someone?" Nat asked loud enough for Pepper and Luna to hear. 

As Pepper looked to the girls, Luna felt her cheeks flush, "I-I don't know what you mean." 

"Well, as long as it isn't Stark. He's a creep." Pepper joked, nudging Luna lightly.

Nat laughed, "Oh man, we don't need him getting a bigger head than he already has Pep. He pulled you, imagine him thinking he pulled Luna too?" The girls all laughed.

Luna put a hand to her cheek and looked at Nat now, "Is it that obvious?"

Nat nodded as Pepper spoke, "Kind of."

"I really am not that great with people.." Luna trailed off, "I spent a good portion of my life in captivity with Hydra. This is all new to me, like I'm relearning." 

"You're doing fine, Luna. You have a crush, this is truly normal. I remember when I realized how I felt about Tony I couldn't stop myself from staring all the time." Pepper smiled, "I felt like such a school girl."

Luna laughed as she watched Bruce join the boys at the pool table, "That's exactly what this feels like." 

"Don't worry, we're in this boat together." Nat spoke. 

"What?" Luna asked, surprised. "You don't take me for the shy type."

"I am when it comes to liking someone." Nat shook her head, taking her eyes from Luna to watch Bruce.

"Is it the scientist? You've been around Steve and Buck since I got here so I assume it's not them and you didn't seem too distracted when you all found me at the Grand Central Station with Thor." 

"You're observant." Pepper grinned, knowing Luna had hit it spot on.

"Wow," Nat laughed, knowing she was caught red handed, "but you do realize you forgot Sam, right?"

"Oh.. shoot." The girls all laughed. 

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