4.Depressing day ☹️

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Wonwoo was sad and depressed to see Jeongin completely lonely then he asked him,,Jeongin do you want to be friends but don't be afraid." Jeongin says to Wonwoo,,Yes, I wanted to be your friend." Jeongin has 5 friends plus 1 new friend Lee Know gives Wonwoo his favourite sweets like milk chocolate🍫🥛 Wonwoo says to Lee Know,,Thank you for giving a my favourite sweet like milk chocolate 🍫🥛." Lee Know respond,, You're welcome but you can eat milk chocolate 🍫🥛." Wonwoo thank Lee Know then Jeonghan is listening a favourite music on his phone with wireless airpod then Jeongin asked him,,Jeonghan,what do you listen music on your phone?" Jeonghan stops play a music take off one wireless airpod and he says to Jeongin,, I'm listening a music Hit from Seventeen." Jeongin says to Jeonghan,, That's cool music so that's your favourite music."Jeonghan says to Jeongin,,Yup, that's all my favourites." Joshua meet a new friend named Bang Chan in his school they introduce them firstly Joshua asked Bang Chan,, What's your name?" Bang Chan says to Joshua,, I'm Christopher Bang Chan." Joshua says to Bang Chan,, I'm Hong Joshua or in Korean name is Hong Jisoo." Bang Chan says to Joshua,,Nice to meet you Joshua." Joshua respond to Bang Chan,,Nice to meet you too Bang Chan."then Jeonghan asked Joshua,,Wait a minute that's a new friend?" Joshua respond to Jeonghan,,Yeah, that's new friend go to introduce him." Jeonghan introduce Bang Chan then Bang Chan meet a new teachers and introduce them Haerin meet Bang Chan but she didn't know him cuz he didn't know her too ☺️ then Haerin introduce Bang Chan well about 1 hour later the hour of subjects started is 2×Musics lessons is wind instruments everyone was trying wind instruments especially Bang Chan didn't knew about wind instruments when teacher says to Bang Chan,,You can try these wind instruments but don't break wind instruments okay." Bang Chan agreed to teacher so he tried some flute but he didn't want to try he tried another one saxophone 🎷he likes saxophone then teacher teaching students but Bang Chan was little bit nervous about his new classmate that he didn't knew suddenly teacher saw Bang Chan then teacher asked Bang Chan,,Are you nervous about music class?" Bang Chan says to teacher,,I didn't knew that there is a music classroom." Then after 1× music class is taking a short break Wonwoo went to toilet then there was bully named Mingyu block Wonwoo then he start to cry for violences cuz Mingyu is holding a gun saying to Wonwoo,,Wonwoo you cried like a baby I need to kill your classmates with  your f*cking idiot classmate named Jeongin." then Mingyu start to shoot some classroom Wonwoo immediately run and he continued to cry goes back to music classroom while Mingyu was shooting classrooms teacher immediately called police to report Mingyu while police riding to school Lee Know and Hyunjin comfort and hug him saying,, Don't worry Wonwoo we protect you we hopefully Mingyu wouldn't bring a gun to school and starting shoot some classrooms then he got suspended for 2 months due to shooting classrooms okay." Police officers arrived goes to arrest Mingyu and taking to police station then police officers called his parents to come a police station to speak with teacher and classmates Mingyu's parents was angry and yelled at Mingyu,,Why you bring a gun to school and tell us a truth." Mingyu told a truth then he must write a school apology for Wonwoo about 2 hours earlier Mingyu has got suspended for 2 month in prison Mingyu cried for 2 months he knew that this is his fault but the food in prison was pretty horrible then after 2 months finally police release Mingyu from prison he could back to school only with school apology for Wonwoo saying,,Hi Wonwoo, I'm sorry for blocking while you go to toilet then I started to cursing and some unsuitable words of course I was holding my gun then you ran away to your classroom while police officers arrived to our school arrest me taking me to police station then police officers called my parents to speak with teacher and my classmates then my parents was angry and starting yelling at me then I have got suspended for 2 months I must write school apology and staying in prison meanwhile I cried in prison and the food in prison was pretty horrible I hopefully will never ever bring a gun please forgive me." Wonwoo look at Mingyu with glare looks then Mingyu gives Wonwoo then he reads all school apology then Wonwoo thank Mingyu then both boys went to classroom subjects is History of course their favourite subjects🇰🇷🇰🇵 they learn difference between North Korea and South Korea history[The real fact: South Korea is demographic country and North Korea is most mysterious and isolated country in the world. South Korean president is Moon Jae-in and North Korean president is Kim Jong-un. In 1950 North and South Korea separate cuz military demarcation line from 1953 - present.]

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