Jimin: 'You controlled water?'

'Well a glass filled with it. I'm not sure...it was after I woke up and everything...I might have been seeing things.'

Jimin: 'Or not.'

I nod.

Jimin: 'I started training, so maybe you can come with me to 'observe' my training and see if it could apply to you as well.'

'That might be an idea. For now, I probably should let the pack know I am alive.'

Jimin nodded and flung his arms around my neck to draw me into a deep kiss. I happily obliged him and cupped his ass that was readily available for my hands. When we stepped back, I grinned.

'What was that for?'

Jimin: 'Because I can.'

'Yes...yes you can.' He laughed and stood there as I changed my clothes. Usually he would shy away, but he watched me openly. I raised an eyebrow.

Jimin: 'Who do you think changed you every day and gave you sponge bathes?'

He crossed his arms and I laughed. "I missed way too much when I was sleeping. I need to check in with Doc Evi first. Did you want to come with me?'

I saw the hesitation and knew what the cause was. Jimin, if given the chance, would stay as far away from the doctor as possible. I still didn't know the reason, but I couldn't blame him.

On the other hand, bonded mates really wanted to be with each other all the time if given the chance. He shook his head, but still look like he was doing so reluctantly.

Jimin: 'I'll go see everyone downstairs. They should be having their evening meeting, so I will let Linda know you are up.'

I nodded.

I leaned over and gave him a soft kiss as I stroked his cheek. 'I'll know where you are, so will let you know when I am done. This mind link should have quite a large range, so just let me know anything you want. I am here.'


I slammed open the door and stomped inside. The doctor jumped at my sudden appearance.

Evi: 'Alpha! You are awake!'

Doc Evi spung to action and met me halfway across the room, sticking a thermometer into my mouth and taking my pulse before I had a chance to even say hi. I settled into the closest chair. After the preliminary exam and the consensus that I was doing alright now, Doc eyd me appraisingly.

'He is gone.'

Evi: 'Who?'


Evi: 'What? What do you mean gone? How did you lose your wolf?'

'You tell me. He is there but in a tightly curled up ball and not speaking at all. I tried shifting on the way here and I can't even feel him enough to call it forth.'

Evi: 'Interesting...'

'You know I absolutely hate when you use that word. I am not some experiment. This is dire! The Alpha cannot lose their wolf! I am a werewolf by Goddess sake!'

Evi nodded and stared at me. 'You obviously haven't lost your alpha energy...'

'No but it seems Jimin has gained some.'

Evi: 'Yes. I saw that. It is really interesting...'

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. 'What are we going to do about Minjun?'

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