Part nine|The End

Start from the beginning

Y/n jumped back into battle as well, she saw Clint surrounded by robots and went to help when she saw Wanda come out the doors breaking the robots in half. "Hey, green bean," Clint said huffing as Y/n help him up. "Thank you?" He said patting her hand."Okay?" Y/n said. "Did you just talk?" Clint said. Y/n nodded " Alright we're all clear here. " Clint as Wanda ran over to Y/n. "Are you ok," Wanda said, floating up to Y/n's face, placing her hand on her face. Y/n lead into her hand and nodded. She watched Pietro pick up Wanda and runoff. Clint looks in the direction where he ran off and points his arrow. Clint groans and got ready to run in that direction.

Y/n steps in front of him and gestures for him to get on her back. "You're my favorite, you know that?" Clint said as he climbed onto her back. "I heard that Clint," Natasha said from her earpiece. Clint chuckles. "Alright kid, let's go." He said. Y/n jumps in the air. Clint points "Over there!" He yelled. Y/n "hops" her way to the rest of the Avengers. When robots attack them. One of them ripped Clint off her back and threw him. "AH." He screamed until his vision caught him. "Hey! Guys he has Y/n!" Cliny said as Vision place him on the ground.

Y/n kicked and squirmed. "You, my green beauty, will be my solution." The robot as she kicked, smashed, but more robots were replaced. The robots flew her toward where the Avengers were fighting. They heard Y/n roar, "Now that I have your attention." Ultron began talking not noticing that Y/n's veins started turning orange. Hulk was ready to save her, when Ultron put his hand against her head threatening, to kill her. Making Hulk pause, Y/n's eyes turned orange.

"What's happening to her," Thor said, as all the robots that were on Y/n started to melt, along with the hand that Ultron had pressed against her head. Ultron snatched his hand away. " What the?!" He said "That." Wanda answered Thor. as Y/n started biting and melting the robots apart. Everyone looked surprised, even Hulk. Y/n's hair turned to fire as she finished off the rest of the robots that were on her.

 Y/n's hair turned to fire as she finished off the rest of the robots that were on her

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(Still green)

She landed on the ground and walked towards the Avengers and stood with them. " Ok, who knew that she could do that?" Tony said. Wanda, Bruce, and Vision raise their hands. "I'm so glad she's on our side." Clint said, "Make that two of us." Steve said as they began to fight off more of the robots. When the robots got a few, Tony, vision, and Thor, all blasted Ultron, then they paused. "You know with the benefit of hindsight.." Ultron began only to be punched by Hulk. Hulk slowly turn towards the other robots and chased after them, Y/n's fire faded and her eyes turn green and she followed after Hulk.

Time skip~

Y/n and Hulk were walking around, kicking stuff around, when Natasha came from around the corner. Hulk spotted her first, throwing down what he had in his hand, getting y/n's attention. Natasha took off her glove.

"Hey you guys, the Sun's getting real low." She walked closer to them. She raised her hand, hulk walked closer to her, and Y/n watched carefully. As Hulk reached out to her, a net shoot at them, hulk pick Natasha up and carried her to safety, as Y/n ran off, and saw Pietro on the ground, with Steve there picking him up, she notice the bullets wholes in him, ran after the jet "Y/N NO, COME BACK." Steve commanded. As she jump towards the jet, she saw Ultron fall from the jet, when she got in, she saw Hulk sitting down.

Wanda's POV:

I walked up to Ultron, ready to kill him. "Wanda." He said faintly as I kneel next to him. " If you stay here, you'll die. " he said " Part of me just did. " I said leaning in a little. "Do you know how that felt?" I said as I use my power to take out a piece of him, it landed in my hand. " It felt like that I said. I watch him shut down for good. When suddenly everything started to fall, I sat there. I felt arms wrapped around me, its vision. He flew out of there and got me to safety.

Your POV:

"Hey, big guy. We did it, the jobs finished." She said as 'dad' walked closer. " Now I need you to turn this bird around, okay? " she said as he got closer. "We can't track you guys in stealth mode. So help me out. " she said as he sat down and reached out, "I need you.." He turn it off. and I walked over to him and sat close to him. He wrapped his arms around me as the jet flew, to God knows where.

Nobody's POV:

Steve's POV:

After we recruited the others, me and Sam were talking. When he looked behind me. "What?" I said. "What's that in your back pocket?" He said pointing. "I reached back and patted my pocket, to see what he was talking about. And did feel something. I pull it out, and it was a folded photo. "Looks like an old photo," I said. I opened it up and I was with a baby, I think her name was- "Y/n!?" Sam said looking at the photo. I look at the photo again and the baby did look like Y/n. "What the?" I said. "You think that's her great-grandma or something," Sam said. "I don't know," I said. And we continue walking.

If Bruce and Y/n ever come back, I'll ask them about this.

Thanks for reading...😁

Thanks for reading my first book, I love you guys so much.


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