"Clark, a little help," Selina yelled out as the batmobile came into the cave's runway.

"I'm fine," Dick snapped at her.

"Obviously," Clark could see Dick's dislocated shoulder from a mile away; he helped Dick out of the car and to another medical cot.

"It's a new variant, we need a new antidote," Selina limped her way to Bruce's bed, she stared at her passed out ex, then punched him in the chest, "you idiot."

"Was that really necessary?" Clark asked her as he watched Alfred resetting Dick's shoulder.

"Yes, and I'm raining hell on him when he wakes up," Selina punched Bruce a few more times.

"Why don't you take a seat and let me take a look at that ankle," Alfred suggested after fastening the sling on Dick's shoulder, "then we'll both rain hell on him when he wakes up."

"Can someone tell me what happened?" Clark asked a little frustrated.

"There was a breakout in Arkham last week, Crane wasn't captured with the rest of the inmates, Batman and Red Robin followed him to Robinson Park, we're still not sure how they got compromised. Batman was out of control, I couldn't contain him with Selina injured so I called you for help," Dick summarized the night.

"Where's Red Robin then?" Clark asked.

"Safe," Damian came in on his bike, "I appreciate your prompt arrival for help, but your presence is no longer required."

"Damian," Dick warned his little brother, "if it weren't for Superman-"

"I saw to Crane's escort to Arkham," Damian glared at everyone before heading to the elevator; he needed to check on Tim without alien ears.

"Who is with Red Robin now?" Clark asked again, knowing he was going to be fed a big fat lie.

"Spoiler," Damian answered as the door of the elevator closed.

"Dick," Clark took a deep breath, "I don't know what's going on-"

"Nothing's going on," Dick waved his hand in dismissal, his heart was still pounding from the fight, "things got out of control, I need to review the cowl's footage to know for sure."

"I'm glad you called for help," Clark smiled, "he's been distant, the last time I saw him he had words with Diana and they both made sure I couldn't hear them, so if something's happening you know you can trust me."

"I know Clark, I wouldn't have called you if I didn't," Dick glanced at Selina who he knew had a lot of questions.

"I'll get going, check in when he wakes up?"

"Sure," Dick lay back and waited for the blue wearing alien to be out of the cave before letting out a long frustrated breath.

"I'm not as gullible as the alien," Selina glared at him.

"Just one moment Ms. Kyle," Alfred went back to the computers to reactivate all the defenses and make sure the most loved alien didn't accidentally drop a listening device.

"What happened out there Richard and where is Timothy?"

"Tim is safe," Dick started in a tone that held warning, "no one got hurt, that's all that matters."

"I heard the tapes; I know what happened between him and Jason," Selina glanced at a sedated Bruce, "I've known you for years, you have one hell of a temper, but you don't scare me Richard, so answer the question truthfully and I will keep your secrets. Do you know if Jason is still alive?"

"I don't answer to you," Dick got off the cot and quickly deflected Selina's attempt to attack him, "get your hand off of me, or I will break it."

"It will kill him, so if you know, you better tell him, soon," Selina didn't try to attack Dick anymore.

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