Chapter 10: Not My Mother

Start from the beginning

After you finished telling him about everything that happened, you sighed and asked, "Do you think I did something? I mean, I know you were mostly in your room today, but have you noticed me doing anything ever to annoy him?"

"No. Norman is being irrational. He should be nice to you because you are nice to him."

Just in that moment, Billy came back into the room.

"Household meeting," He mumbled before dragging you out of the room.

He dragged you downstairs and into the living room, where everyone else was seated. Except Jason and Norman. Jason was behind you, so he was there, but Norman wasn't. He lived in this household, did he not? Where was the man? It wasn't like you cared in that moment, but you were curious.

Michael was writing his words down on a piece of paper and everyone else was seated awkwardly on the couch. You all sat in silence, waiting for Michael to finish. Once he did, he handed the paper to Jeff, who began to read.

"Two people in this household are acting irrationally. Those two people, one of which is in this room, are not getting along. Therefore, there are actions that will be taken. First the two will apologize to each other. It does not matter who is at fault, the actions are in- in- Tiffany, what does that say?" Jeff paused and showed Tiffany the paper.

"That says 'Inordinately'," Tiffany spoke.

"It does not matter who is at fault, the actions are inordinately inappropriate and will not be tolerated in this house. Y/N, Norman is in his room. You may go apologize." Jeff finished, handing the paper back to Michael.

You were seething. How dare Michael tell you to apologize when all you did was retaliate against Norman? How dare he?

"No!" You yelled, standing up. "No! I am not going to apologize to Norman! All I did was retaliate! He's been going at me all day and I've had enough! I am not going to apologize!"

All eyes were on you. Even Smile had tilted his head at you.

Michael scribbled something down on his paper. He stood up and walked ominously over to you.

"Get upstairs. You know where Norman's room is."

You, again, snapped. You launched yourself at Michael, who, instinctively, reached for the knife he kept in his back pocket. You were nearly on Michael when a pair of arms wrapped themselves around your waist and pulled you back down.

"I, uh, I think Y/N should apologize in the morning. She didn't sleep well last night and I think she's cranky," Billy quickly said before dragging you upstairs, not once letting go of you; probably to assure you didn't book it back down the stairs and try to attack Michael again.

Once you were in your room, Billy shut the door carefully before turning to look at you.

"What is your problem?" Billy hissed.

"What's my problem? What's my problem? Oh, I'll tell you my problem! Michael is siding with Norman! All Norman has done to me today is be impertinent and I've had it! I've been nothing but nice to Norman! I can't think of a single thing I did that could have annoyed him!" You paused to take in a shaky breath. You were on the verge of tears. "Why is acting like this? I've done nothing to him! Nothing!"

In that moment, you willpower failed you and an angry tear slid down for face. You tried to wipe it away before Billy saw it, but you were too slow. Billy did see it. And Billy did something about it.

Awkwardly, he sat down next to you on the bed and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. There was a blank look on his face. You couldn't tell how he was feeling.

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