Hope's eyes followed his departure, taking in the sleek fluid movements of a muscular physique that his thin white shirt did little to hide, staring with parted lips and held breath. He stopped and turned his head back to her, as if sensing the attention. Snapping her gaze down, a bit of rouge appeared on coppery cheeks.

Faith smirked, pulling off another piece of the sweet roll. "I thought you were dating Carlos?"

"We were," Hope huffed. "He thought we should start seeing other people." She held up fingers for emphasis, making air quote motions.

"If that's what he thinks, maybe you should. But be careful with men like Braden." Faith tipped her head toward the man as he disappeared into the crowd. "He is like this cinnamon roll, so delectable, but in the long term, unhealthy."

Hope drew her mouth into a frown. "You are not one to give dating advice."

Her sister, as a general rule, did not date. Faith had a close male friend on the space port that she spent time with, but the relationship never evolved into romance, at least not from what Hope could tell.

Faith lowered her head. "With my condition, dating never seemed a good idea."

A hot wave of guilt washed through Hope. Faith's ailment hung over the family like an ominous storm cloud, sometimes casting a shadow over them, other times waiting on the horizon. It rarely came up in conversation, but always held near. Of them all, the one afflicted seemed to be the most accepting of it.

Hope reached across to her sister, grasping a hand. "I'm sorry--" Caring eyes conveyed the rest of the message.

A slight smile came to Faith's lips. "It's okay. We can talk about it. They call it the Empress Curse for good reason. There is something I need to tell you. Dad didn't tell us everything of our origin." She paused, taking a slow breath and closing her eyes.

"What?" Hope's eyes widened. The connection of sisters ran deep, and she knew something concerned Faith profoundly.

Before Faith could speak, a sudden series of coughs shook her. Bending over, she contorted her face and her fingers bent like claws at her chest. An open mouth might have groaned pain but breathing became too difficult between deep raspy pulls. As Faith's hand fumbled for the inhaler in a pocket, her eyes lost their focus and she wavered.

Hope froze at her sister's plight, mind churning in a chaos of conflicting instructions. But only for a second. Rushing, she kneeled at Faith's side to help with the inhaler, delivering a puff of the medicinal mist. Faith trembled.

With one arm around her, Hope drew her sister in. "Hang in there. Let the medicine do its thing."

It didn't.

Two more puffs helped a little, allowing some air to pass, but not enough. The color in Faith's face faded bit by bit, leaving her pallid. The trembling amplified to violent shaking, enough that both sisters slid to the grassy ground. Hope held tight as Faith's head slumped back, her faraway eyes rolling back into her head.

Sobs wracked Hope. She called out. "Faith! No!"

A group of onlookers gathered around in a broken circle, but for scattered gasps held silent by indecision. The baker of the cinnamon rolls jumped into the circle, her mouth dropping. "What happened?"

Hope pointed at her, yelling, "It's Faith! Call Emergency Services now!"


The monitor over Faith's head emitted quiet beeps and flashed quivering colored lines. Hope sat near with her head leaning on the hospital bed, her eyes half-closed while holding her sister's still hand. Yesterday, the doctors said Faith was out of immediate danger, but they would have to do more tests to find the root cause of her seizure. The doctor tried to hide a reaction, but his grim expression tore at Hope's heart when she told him of the Empress Curse.

Hang in there, Faith. Okay? I still want more time with you.

Hope jerked her head up at a slight stirring and a flicker of a hand squeeze. "Faith?"

Holding her breath, Hope scanned for more signs of awakening. They came. Eyelids fluttered, then snapped closed to the bright lights. Faith's head turned and a faint groan emerged from her lips. The shadow lightened on Hope's heart.

"Faith!" Hope leaned down and wrapped her sister in a tight hug, different tears welling in her eyes.

"Oww..." Faith muttered. "Not so hard."

Standing up, Hope wiped moisture from her eyes. A wide smile emerged on her face.

Faith stretched. "That one was really bad." She fully opened her eyes and furrowed her brow. "Where am I?"

"The Pytheas Central Hospital. You scared the hell out of me."

"How long have I been here?"

Hope replied, "You've been out for two days."

Faith's eyes shot full open, then flitted across the room, settling back on her sister. The heart rate shown on the monitor quickened. "Have you told Dad and Gab?"

"No, not yet. I didn't want to leave you." Faith's apparent wariness produced a twinge of unease in Hope.

Faith grasped Hope's hand. She tried to sit up, but, with a grimace of pain, plopped back down. Her voice took an imperative tone. "This is really important, Hope. Go call Dad now!" Hope opened her mouth to speak, but Faith waved off the response. "I'll be okay for now. But do what he says. And no matter what, protect yourself."

Hope paused, unsure about the unexpected urgency in Faith's request. What is happening?

Faith pleaded. "Promise me? Please?"

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