Chapter 19

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I left after a few hours going home seeing Izuku sleeping. I laid down next to him holding his hips snuggling him, falling asleep. I was awoken by Izuku shaking me, looking at him confused I felt it.. his water had broke. I immediately got him up carrying him to the car grabbing the hospital bag driving. Izuku was crying I did what I could I just held his hand. We got to the hospital Izuku being dilated 2cm. "It's okay I'm here baby do you want water?" He shook his head holding onto me. I understood that he didn't want me to leave. They came in giving Izuku the epidural him relaxing after an hour going back to sleep. I couldn't begin to understand the pain of childbirth but I knew he was going to need me. I shut my eyes falling asleep still holding his hand.

I woke up in the hospital room yawning looking at Izuku he was crowning I stood excited as he pushed I couldn't help but smile. After a few moments the baby came out but something was wrong. Very wrong why wasn't he moving why was he just laying there. I tried to shake him but my hands went through him I looked around crying running to the nurse. "He needs help! Help him he's dying!" She didn't hear me? Why was she just standing there holding my baby I tried to grab her. "ARE YOU LISTENING!?! HELP HIM!" She looked at the other  nurse. "Lost the mom and the baby call his parents. Poor kid" no this wasn't real it couldn't be. My baby she's dead?!? No no no help them please help them why is no one helping them?  "NO NO NO GET UP"

I was awoken to Shoto screaming in his sleep I shook him awake concerned. "Hey hey it's okay baby what happened?" He hugged me tightly sobbing in my neck. "I thought you were dead is the baby okay? Is it?!?" I nodded concerned helping him fall back asleep. After 6 hours of nothing but pain I started to crown pushing holding his hand firmly. "Your doing great baby just a little long alright only a little bit more" within minutes the baby came out crying the nurses cleaning it up. "Congratulations it's a..."

Harder than ever a tododeku story~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang