Chapter 15

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I saw the Todoroki kid snooping so I knocked him out with chloroform, laying him down on a metal bed in the bar tying him down. Dabi was just staring kinda weird but okay I guess?

I stared at Shoto panicked lord knew what Tomura would do to him. Was there a way I could get him out of this? Would o have to watch him being tortured? Or could I just come clean? NO NO NO! I'm a villain he's no longer my brother I'll do my job.

I yawned opening my eyes seeing toga and Dabi, wanted to scream out for him but I couldn't speak. "He's awake hi candy cane" I glared. She pulled down the gag my first instinct to spit on her. Do I know why no.
"Your gross!"
"TOYA TOYA HELP ME!" he just stared at me. I started to cry as tomura walked in slapping me. "SHUT- wait your the green hairs friend where is he!" I glared at him turning my head. "Dabi get the brat to talk!"

"Yeah yeah I've got it" I looked at Shoto gulping placing my hand on his thigh he let out the loudest grunt. Not a scream a damn grunt what was I supposed to do with that? Most scream makes me wonder if he's felt worse. I moved my hand to his hip another grunt. "Can you just tell us where the damn kid is" he spit in my fucking face! "No you ugly ass raisin!!!" Raisin! do I look like a raisin? "That was mean and you hurt my feelings" he rolled his eyes at me! This boy is filled with attitude.

"I tried everything boss he didn't say anything" I rubbed my neck getting ready for a tantrum. "That's fine I looked at his phone and found where he lives" we gathered our stuff going to the address toga knocking.

I heard the door opening it getting hit with something hard. I blacked out.

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