The dance goes very wrong

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Here's the thing, I'm at this dance at my school. I hate dances, can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would enjoy dancing. Anyway that's besides the point, oh I can't even remember what I was going to say.
"Nico, put the cards down please."
Ermm. Oh I haven't told you what this is yet!


The best card game ever.

Here let me tell you why, and then maybe you might consider getting some. I'd be happy to play with you, no one else likes it here. Anyway, I'm going off topic sorry. It's a game where you collect mini figurines and cards of Greek gods. Bee always makes jokes about how stupid it is but I know She likes it because it makes me happy. Her favourite she says is Zeus but I know it's because that's what she thinks you should say; if you get me. However I know her's is Hades, she finds him interesting. Mine depends on what context we are talking about, like if we were playing a game I'd want Zeus or Poseidon as they have the highest attack but Hades is cool because he could have a whole army of skeletons.

Imagine how cool that'd be.

I once tried to teach Grover. He's this kid from my class. Most people would class him as 'weird' but I like him. I'm weird too so it's okay. He limps a bit, which I'm particularly jealous for because he gets out of P.E every-time!
You see, I am not one for P.E. I can run fast and that's about it. Also off topic, sorry bee always tells me when I ramble. To get to the point, Grover was awful, he didn't understand the game and was annoyed at the amount of points each god/goddess had. I can't remember who exactly the god was, he's not very well known. Ermm, it began with p...
Ohhh pan that's it. He sounds boring to me. Doesn't have any cool water powers or can shadow travel. Wait, can Poseidon surf well?

"Neeks, are you even listening to me?"

No I was not. Sorry bee

"Ahh the diangelo's, I was just looking for you. Miss creek was wondering if you could help her out, said something about books." Explained Dr Thorn

I never really did like Dr Thorn, it always seems like he keeps an eye on me.

"Okay, but I dunno where to go."
"No problem Nico diangelo"

Again I hate how he says my full name every time he addresses me. It sounds like when I'm getting told off by my-

"Just follow me, down the hallway we go"

I turned to Bianca. I didn't like the feeling in my gut and by the looks of it neither did she. It was dark, I've never minded the dark but something didn't feel right. On our way I realised that mrs creek was in the sports hall in this weird sequinned dress dancing, may I say questionable. Why would sir lie though, I didn't dare ask. I stepped closer to bee and she draped her around me. I do love her sometimes. She's always looking out for me, it's always been just me and her for as long as I can remember. I don't really remember much about my past. Bits there and then though.

"This should be far enough."

Enough from what? Where's miss?

"Don't panic children, I just need to do my job. Unfortunately that mean dealing with you brats." He said while fading into the shadows. His silhouette increased in size. I can hear his feet shuffling, and something dragging against the floor?
The dark silhouette faded in and out of the shadows while sounding like he was talking to someone.
I feel like I've become paralysed. I was breathing in heavier more painful breaths, bee looked scared. She tried to hide it to make me feel better but I could tell she feared the man in the shadows and what he might do to us.

There was a void of silence (minus the grunts of Dr Thorn) broken by the faintest squeak of a door opening.

Someone to help us please.

You could hear the persons feet quickly shuffling against the floor. He walked into to the room we were in looking around frantically. He was holding something that glowed in the dark.

Wait is that a... sword?

He turned to face us.

The boy with piercing green eyes said, " it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you."

I think we're more worried about our sociopathic teacher but Thank you for the reassurance. He didn't really pick up on our hint did he? We both didn't answer. I for one couldn't feel my toes. 

Bianca's eyes widened and she clenched her fist, trying to warn the boy. You could see the realisation in his eyes but it was too late. He whirled around quickly when suddenly Dr Thorn struck. His body slammed to the wall like he weighed of nothing. The panic in his eyes raised, you can tell a lot by looking into his eyes.

I took in a sharp, painful breathe. I didn't want to make noise however I felt like I was being suffocated. What just happened?

He slashed his sword but only hit air.

A cold laugh echoed through the hall.

"Yes Perseus Jackson" Dr Thorn said while his accent the j in the boys- Perseus's last name.
"I know who you are."

Is he a student? I would've remembered his eyes.

Perseus struggled as he tried to free his shoulder. What was actually hit him. A sharp spike? A black dagger? It was at least a foot long. That's the sharp thing I saw in Dr Thorn's shadow, but what exactly is it. It appeared to scrape Perseus' shoulder but it was obvious he was in agony.

The shadow started to walk closer to the three of us. He looked normal however his face seemed more ghoulish than usual. Silenced vibrated until he spoke.

"Thank you for coming out of the gym" "I hate middle school dances"

Same but right now I think I'd prefer the gym.

Perseus swung his sword once again but Dr Thorn was still out of reach. Suddenly, a second projectile shot from being him. But he didn't move. Is someone else here?

Bee yelped as the dagger hit the wall half an inch from her face.

I don't know what to do.

What even is happening

"All three of you come with me" "quietly. Obediently. If you make a single noise, If you call out for help or try to fight, I will show you how accurately I can throw"

1111 words
Thank you for reading this. The only reason why I am writing it is because I thought of just pjo from Nico's point of view and tried to find a fan fic about it until realising there are none. Or none that I can find.

Give me comments to help my writing, I know I am not the best!

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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