Chapter 13-Quiet

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Lexi's P.O.V

Do you want to know my favorite time of the day?

The time right after you wake up when you forget everything that happened the day before and it's calm. No worries, nothing to be stressed about until you remember everything. It's just that one minute of peace that I love. 

I woke up and saw Carlos still asleep next to me and Adriana in the middle of us, they look so peaceful.

The whole house is quiet, not one sound can be heard other than me breathing

Suddenly I remembered what happened yesterday and start crying, the quiet was gone

"Hey. You ok?" Carlos asked as he woke up worried

"No. I thought I would wake up and everything that happened yesterday was a dream, but it's reality" I said and Carlos sighed

"Yeah. I'm trying to stay strong for you and Adriana, but it's hard" Carlos said and I nodded

"Carlos, you don't have to hide your feeling and seem emotionless, we lost the closet thing we had to a dad and the closest thing we had to a mom" I said as I was rubbing circles on this back

"I know, but I also know that if Adriana sees us sad, she will be sad and I can't deal seeing Adriana sad" Carlos said and I nodded

"Come on, let's go take a shower before Adriana wakes up" I said and Carlos nodded

30 minutes later

We got out of the shower and saw Adriana still sleeping, she looks so peaceful

Carlos and I got ready, we both are wearing bright colors to make Adriana happy

"I told William to supervise the mafia for the next month, so that we can grieve with no pressure about anything" Carlos said and I nodded

"What about the funeral?" I whispered trying to stay calm

"We are.." Carlos said but stopped since his phone started ringing

"Hello" Carlos said as he walked away to take the phone call

I decided I should go wake up Adriana and give her breakfast

"Wake up baby" I whispered as I started kissing her all over her face and she woke up giggling

"Good morning Adriana" I said and raised her hands at me to pick her up

"Come on let's get you dressed" I said as I picked her up and brought her to her room

"Ok. You are now 7 months so let's get you clothes that match your age. You are so old, I remember the day you were brought home, Amelia was so happy. She left you with us while she took a shower. All I did was look at you while you were sleeping, so peaceful. Well now your mom and dad are sleeping peacefully. Don't worry they won't have nightmares" I said to Adriana who just stared at me while I was changing her

"I forgot you can't talk back, but it's ok. Mom and dad are watching over you" i said and Finished changing her into her outfit

 Mom and dad are watching over you" i said and Finished changing her into her outfit

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