Hospital 2

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He went back to sleep because the world was shitty and he didn't want to face it just yet.

The next day he woke up at five a.m out of habit so he has time to plan simple and basic moves for the future, but for now he wants his red hair back and so he has to awaken his dormant Uzumaki blood.

The process is simple contrary to public believe, Uzumaki in most cases are pure blood even if they were half or quarter because Uzumaki's blood is a dominant trait, but there are cases when it remains dormant, the result of his researches started and ended with Mito-sama, Kurama's first jinchuriki, none of her children and grandchildren inherited any Uzumaki trait, or so people at the time believed, truth is, it was merely dormant.

The seal used to cage Kurama prevented the Uzumaki genes from surfacing into any of her descendants because the seal that Mito-sama and my mother used were the same and thus had the same affect.

It was there but dormant and he, after many trails and errors found away to trigger it and ultimately bringing it out.

It's not painful, the process, that is, just exhausting.
Usually he'll be knocked out cold for a week, which can sometimes be inconvenient. He'll go through some changes, his chakra signature would obviously change, his scent, voice, skin tone (like he somehow bleached it) and hair color (this one gradually)will change as well. He'll wake up starving too, and that's the most annoying part really.

Though he's still not sure why his voice has to change, in a way it becomes androgynous? Not to mention, he'll look pretty? (His features more delicate) so, prettier?? afterwards and before he grows into his height, he'd sometimes be mistaken as a girl, not that he minded, but his friends become more annoying and persistent in their teasing. Which he does mind.

It's not a problem to him now though, because he managed to become a girl. Yay. He'll be experiencing monthly periods and moody swings, chocolate cravings, back and stomach aches. Life is just beautiful, really.

He probably needs to start referring to himself as a female now right? Wonderful.

"See you in week a Kurama."
"You too kit"
Finally he managed to stop laughing, fluffy fox.

And so he fell in a mini coma.

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