Pineapple jinkook part 3

Start from the beginning



"Yes jimin?" Yoongi looked over to him only for a second to go back to watching the road.

"Did Jin and kookie break up?" Jimin looked out the window. He would be happy if Yoongi said yes but jungkook looked so miserable.

"Something like that.." Yoongi gripped the wheel tighter staring straight ahead.


Yoongi grabbed the bags walked up to the house and knocked. Not a sound was heard from the house. Angrily he pounded on the door making the door shake. Jimin backed up not wanting the door to fall on him if it gave way. Soon the door opened slowly revealing a very tired looking jin in shorts with red swollen eyes.

Yoongi calmed himself down not trying to fight with Jin he just wanted to get Jungkooks things and leave.
"Yoongi how is jungkook?" Jin followed Yoongi who pushed passed him. Jimin followed Yoongi closely he wasn't sure what happened but he didn't like the feeling that was creeping up on him.
"How do you think you prick!" Yoongi yelled at Jin and scoffed going into Jungkooks room. He started putting things into the bags and tried to ignore Jin just wanting to go back to jungkook as soon as possible. "Yoongi I'm sorry for what happened! Please I just want to know he's okay!" Yoongi felt his anger rising he tried to calm down but Jin kept talking. "If I could go see him and apologize please!" Yoongi felt something snap in him. He put down the bag and went over and punched him square in the jaw sending jin to stumble back.
"See him?? You think I'm gonna let a worthless piece of trash like you see him again?? You're out of your fucking Mind if you think I'm gonna let kooks rapist see him!!" Yoongi punched him one more time making Jin fall completely to the ground. Jimins eyes widened and looked down at Jin.
"You did what..?" Jimin felt an anger rise in him, Jin just looked down at the ground saying nothing.

Taehyung and jungkook sat on the couch Taehyung tried to talk to jungkook but he kept his side of the conversation short. So Taehyung eventually put on Jungkooks favorite movie. They both were watching the movie and everything was going well. Jungkook stared at the screen not really paying attention to the movie he spaced out and was in his head. Jungkooks thought surrounded around Yoongi. Was he gonna be okay? Yoongi and jungkook were together all the time when they were young. Jungkook didn't have a good childhood his father beat him and his mother. He was an alcoholic who lost his jib and took his anger out on his mother. When jungkook got scared he would hide in his closet like his mom told him to do. He would hear screaming and crying, things crashing and breaking. He would close his eyes and try to ignore the noise. His live was a living hell, until Yoongi moved next door. Jungkook met him at school when they walked home they realized they were neighbors and started hanging out. Jungkook only told Yoongi about how his dad acted because he felt like he could trust him. Yoongi always did everything in his power to keep jungkook at his house. Yoongis mom called jungkook her son and they all joked about how they were brothers. One day Jungkooks father got too drunk and nearly killed Jungkooks mom. He doesn't remember the details all he remembers is hearing crashing and screaming muffled by his sobs. Jungkooks dad went to prison and his mother ended up going to a psychiatric hospital. Jungkook ended up living with Yoongi and his family. They grew up as brothers, if anyone bothered jungkook Yoongi would step right in to stop it. Yoongi had always been there for jungkook. He was always on his side, always kind and supportive. Jungkook felt scared and anxious when he wasn't with him. Jungkook lived with Yoongi until he started dating Jin then he moved out. They were the perfect couple and it all went down hill... Jungkooks heart raced thinking of Jin he closed his eyes tightly trying to think of something else. His heart felt heavy and he tried to think of yoongi. Where was Yoongi shouldn't he be back by now? What if something happened?? Jungkooks head felt light as his mouth went dry. He started hyperventilating.
"Kook?" He looked up hoping to see Yoongi but only saw tae and white spots clouding his vision. His eyes filled with tears as he felt his stomach hurt. He started crying and pushed Taehyung away when he tried to get close.
He couldn't think straight his mind was blank and he wanted yoongi. Where was he? Why isn't he here? He sobbed curling himself tighter into a ball to make himself feel safer.
Yoongi was about to curse at Jin some more before he heard his phone ring. It was Taehyung.
He quickly answered the phone ignoring both Jin and jimin.
"Yoon!! Jungkooks crying for you please come back!!" Yoongi could hear Jungkooks sobs in the background.
"Put me on speaker and next to him."
Taehyung did as instructed and placed the phone next to the sobbing jungkook.
"Kookie are you there?"
Jungkooks mind cleared as he heard Yoongis voice his tears fell even harder when he looked up to see no Yoongi but just a phone.
"Y-yoon p-please come back I'm scared!!" Jungkook cried into his knees hugging them tightly as if they were Yoongi.
"Kook I'm coming back right now don't move a muscle!!"

Trying to catch up on my writing please bear with me!!! 💜💓💞💞💞

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