Feel better. Y/n

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(I hope you like it.)

"Y/N!" Yoongi starts crying you sigh softly you're in the kitchen making tea and soup your little brothers got sick all at the same time. There names are Yoongi, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin. You're not bothered by the mess it's just hard juggling all four of them at the same time. You're parents are away on a business trip you don't mind though you love your little brothers so much,
"I'm coming yoongles." You pick up the last tray of food and head into the room everyone is in there bed with a cool cloth on there forehead.

You go over to jimin and change the cloth you kiss his head softly and rub his head softly. Everyone in the neighborhood was getting sick and you started getting worried so you told the boys to play with themselves but they didn't listen. They snuck out and played with a neighbor who got sick a day later.
"You guys are going to listen to me next time right?"
Only soft groans in response you chuckled to yourself and place the tray down.
"You guys have to try and eat okay?"
Taehyungs eyes watered and he shook his head quickly.
"Bubs I know it hurts but it will make you feel a bit better." You said soothingly and helped Taehyung sit up. Yoongi pouted and got up by himself trying to show that he could do it.
The rest of the boys did the same sitting up and took tiny sips of there tea and soup.
"Look at my good boys!" You smiled brightly praising them for eating. Your smile disappeared quickly you had to give them there medicine.
You go to Yoongi hoping he would show the initiative and would convince the other boys.
"Yoongles could you take your medicine for me please?" You pout at him and he turns his face away.
You sighed softly this was not going to be easy.
"You have to have it it's good for you!"
"I-if y...yoon says yucky then I don't wan it either!" Jungkook shouted and all the boys nodded in agreement.
"You guys won't get better if you don't take it" all the boys crossed there arms and pouted.
"NO!" They all yelled in unison you take a deep breath to not get agitated even you had to admit this was a really gross medicine.
"I guess it can't be helped then.." all the boys smile softly at there victory.
"I have to take away your stuffed animals then." You look and jimin hugged his plush protectively. Yoongi was trying to hide his, Taehyungs mouth was dropped open and Jungkook teared up.
You went over to each bed and took the plushies.
"You guys will get these back is you take the medicine." You say looking at there reactions they weren't budging. You knew they would crack soon so you didn't worry too much. Everyone laid back down frowns on there faces. While waiting you started reading a story it was quiet for part of the story.
"Oh my what big ey-"
"Y/n! "
You turn over to see jimin sitting up groaning.
"Yes jimin?"
"I want my toy!" He whined
"M-Mwe too.." sniffled jungkook
You smiled softly feeling victory creep in.
"Are you ready to take the medicine..?"
Jimin thought about it for a second and looked over to his toy and nodded.
You sit up and grab the medicine and the toy.
You go over and sit by the bed.
"Now would you like to hold him so he makes you more brave?" You smiled holding his stuffed dog he nodded making grabby hands. You chuckle softly and hand over the toy.
"Here you go.. now you have to take the medicine ready?" You ask and he looks at his dog and cuddles it tightly and nods. You smile softly and fill up the spoon with the gross medicine. You put your hand under the spoon and bring it towards jimins open mouth. He swallows the medicine and shakes his head making a disgusted face.
You laugh softly and pat his head.
"Worth it?"
He nods and hugs his toy dog smiling.
"Now for you." You get up and go over to Jungkook he makes grabby hands unable to stand a second more away from his small chick plush.
You smile softly and hand him his plush he kisses it's forehead and takes his medicine and whined after finishing.
You smiled and kiss his forehead.
"Your such a good boy kookie." Jungkook giggled softly feeling better.
You go over to Taehyung and show him his toy tiger and he tears up and nods.
You give him his toy and he holds your shirt you giggle and fill up his spoon and he takes his medicine. (A/n: you brought in four separate spoons.) He pouts and clings to you you smile and hug him softly. You turn to Yoongi who is still crossing his arms looking away. You let go of Taehyung and sit next to Yoongi. You sit his kitten on your lap he glances at it a few times tempted.
"Come on Yoon I promise it will only taste bad for a little bit."
You smile softly and nod sticking your pinky out he slowly puts his pinky out and you both intertwined them. You softly place his kitten on his lap and he pats it's head and looks at you with big eyes and takes his medicine.
You smile brightly proud of each one of them they were so brave when you were younger you were a pain to take medicine.
"All right guys it's bedtime~" Yoongi yawned and covered himself and the rest nodded. You went to each one and kissed there forehead and hugged them.
"Good night guys ~" you smiled and turned off the light and headed to bed.
A few hours later you feel someone shake your arm you look over to see three sets of eyeballs staring back.
You sit up and yawn.
"What's wrong guys" you pat there heads and notice jungkook isn't there.
"K-kook has a nightmare." Taehyung said softly you nodded and get up out of bed and grab his and Jimins hands and Yoongi held onto the back of your shirt.
You go in the room and Jungkook is kicking, crying and shouting.
You let go of the others hands and bend down by the bed and lightly shake jungkook.
He doesn't wake up then tae, yoon, and jimin help gently shake him.
"Wake up kookie ~" jimin whined and jungkook wuited down and opened his eyes. He looked at you and started bawling you put him on your lap and cradle him.
"It's okay baby~" you coo and the other boys climbed up and hugged Jungkook. You all stayed like that for a little bit and Kook quieted down and you heard snoring . You giggle quietly and look at the other boys Taehyung fell asleep as well. You look at Jimin and Yoon still awake.
"Do you guys want to sleep with me tonight?" You whispered and they nodded. You sit up and put Kook on one hip and Taehyung on the other your room wasn't that far. Jimin and Yoon clinch onto the back of your shirt you place Jungkook and Tae on the bed. You help the other two up on the bed and you all cuddle into a nice deep sleep.

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