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"You wanna ride in the roller coster "Namjoon said looking at Yeon Hwa,who was eating a icecream like a kid.She just answered with a 'mmm'.Namjoon chuckled at her cuteness.

"Hyung,you know what?I want to ride in that with Hobi hyung"Jungkook said sucking at his lolipop,he bought earlier.Namjoon almost choked recalling the memory.They laughed so hard right there.Yeon Hwa looked at her brothers with a questionable face.

"It's just...it's...it's...bahahahahahaha " Jungkook laughed his lung out.

Namjoon was laughing too."Why you guys are laughing,is there something on my face?"Yeon Hwa asked akwardly."No no...it's just...Hobi is to much afraid of roller coaster."Namjoon said.

"O-oh"she said.

"Ok so let's go,we gonna ride till we can't no more!!!!"Jungkook said,excitement in his voice.

"Yeah,Leggoo!!"Namjoon said.

Yeon Hwa just followed them.The smile never leaving her face.Seeing her older and younger brothers she felt joy . She wanted to see the others but sadly they don't even know they are here in the amusement park.

Some tears almost left her sparkling eyes.

"Sissy you gonna come or not?"Jungkook came to me with questionable face.Than he noticed me crying.

"Are you crying?but why?"He asked worry written on his face.

"N-no just happy tears haha"I said showing my smile.

"Whats happening here?"Namjoon came to us.

"No,it's nothing hyung.Noona was so happy to see us together.Thats why she was tearing up.Imagine what will happen when she sees us all together."Jungkook with smile on his face.

"Oh don't cry Yeonie-ah.We sure will be family again.Soon."Namjoon said with a hope.

I nod.

"Mhm,Now what are we waiting for... LET'S GOOOOO"Jungkook ran away from us.

"YEAH LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO"I also ran after him.

Namjoon chuckled softly.He also ran after them.

They had so much fun.It was almost 7pm.The 3 siblings were so tired so they get back to home.


"It was really fun right"

"Yeah haha"

"And the roller coaster pa-"

"Where have you been Namjoon and Jungkook?"Asked Yoongi.When he saw me; he got more mad.

I really tensed up seeing him angry.

"Umm Yoongi we're at the amusement park be-" Yoongi cut off Namjoon.

"And why is this bitch with you?"He again asked

It really triggered me.I can't stand this.I just can't.Why is Yoongi calling me bitch?

"Hyung...See what are you saying or I'll make you bleed-"Jungkook said making Yoongi sound more vicious.

"Tsk,what you gonna do Jungkook and why are you so pissed off by calling her a bitch.we should call her more than this"Jimin said causally.

I was really crying.Silently.How can someone be so low?

"JIMIN.SHE IS YOUR SISTER NOT A-"Namjoon cut off again but this time by Jimin.

"Oh come on hyung..really?She was a bitch.She is a bitch.She will be a bitch.Slut."Jimin said pointing his finger on Yeon Hwa.

"I-i can't take this anymore."Yeon Hwa said crying mess.

"Noona.Noona don't go please."Jungkook said running after Her.

"Let her go Jungk-"Jimin cut off.


"Jungkook,calm down.You don't have to tell them anything.They don't deserve her."Namjoon said calming down Jungkook.

"Let's go"

"Yeah it's actually right we don't deserve that murderer."Jin said making Jungkook turn agian.

"Hyung,you don't have any rights to call her murderer.She didn't do anything."Jungkook said.

"Let's go Jungkook.Dont argue with them."Namjoon said.


"What I did to deserve this."

"Why they hate me so much."

"Mom dad did I really made you suffer?"

"Did I really murdered you guys?"

"Why always it's me?"



Yeon Hwa was not in her right State.So,she cut her hand with Blade knife.She again vomited blood.She was ready to Jump of the window.But Jungkook,Namjoon and Hoseok's face made her say no.She doesn't want to leave her brothers.


Heyyo guys.Sup?hope you all are fine and great.I'm too.So today my exam finally finished.I'm really happy.As I promised I will finish this book today,So uploading starts from now.Again saying this book will have 20 chapters.
So how bout you give me Idea of what I write next.Drop some ideas guys.
Byebye see you soon.

Asking a question daily no. 2 : What's your favourite song?

Did you saw the BTS convert.Oh my god LA army's are so lucky.Wish I was one of them.

{My Brothers Hate Me}••《BTS ff》••  ♡◇𝓸𝓷 𝓰𝓸𝓲𝓷𝓰◇♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora