one || Be My Valentine..?

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Summer's POV

I hated Valentine's Day. Seeing couples fawning over each other publicly was never something I was ever excited about. My friends and family always called me a pessimist, they thought that if I actually had a valentine, I wouldn't hate the holiday so much and maybe they were right. Regardless, I was content with being single on Valentine's Day, I couldn't be missing out on that much—


"That's all I have planned for today, you're all free to go. Enjoy the rest of the holiday."

My professor flashed a weak smile at everyone while heads were eagerly walking towards the door. I tossed my jacket on, not looking forward to the cold air forcing me awake. I preferred the Winter over any other season, but the bitterness in the air this February had me wishing for warmer weather.

"Wait up Sum!" A familiar voice quickly caught up to me while I made my way down the hallway to the student center.

"Where you headed?"

That voice turned out to be my roommate Jess, trying to catch her breath from running up beside me.

"To grab something to eat, you?"

"Headed to the library, I'll catch up with you later, okay?" I nodded slightly. "Okay, see you later Jess." She smiled and ran off in the direction of the building.

I met Jess at freshman orientation. We were both in the same group and both out-of-state students, so we naturally gravitated towards one another. Shortly after orientation, we requested one another as roommates, and I was relieved I had settled that issue early on. I didn't know her that well, but she was better than a complete stranger.

Little did I know, I not only hit the jackpot in my choice of a housemate, but she also became one of my best and most trusted friends at my university. I had to admit I was surprised we worked so well together considering were polar opposites. She was at every party and somehow managed to wake up for eight A.M.'s the next morning. As much as she tried to convert me to her lifestyle, I preferred relaxing in my dorm room during my free time. It wasn't that I didn't like going out, it was just talking to people felt somewhat exhausting. I also didn't do well freshman year, so I was dedicated to getting my GPA back up.

After a tiresome walk, I arrived at the cafeteria and immediately went towards the pizzeria. I was ashamed to admit that out of all the moderately edible food choices available, I chose to eat pizza every day. I often worried about the weight I would gain if I kept up this routine, but when you were eating good, did the weight really matter?

Probably in the long run.

"Can I have two slices of plain please?"

"Anything to drink?"

"Sprite please."

"You got it."

I handed my student ID to the cashier, and she swiped my card, ushering me to the side. The line had gotten unsurprisingly long, and she was the only one working during common hour. I could practically feel her panic. Common hour at my school was midday every Tuesday and Thursday. All students had a two-hour gap in between classes on these days. Most of them were hanging out at campus events or grabbing a bite to eat before they had to head straight to another lecture.

Though it was a mild incentive for all the hard work your average college student put in, it didn't make up for the three other days we were forced to attend back-to-back classes.

𝑱𝑼𝑺𝑻 𝑭𝑶𝑹 𝑨 𝑴𝑶𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑻  (18+)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora