Everyone was here today. All of their closest friends and their partners like Àmber and Aria or Nikki and Violetta, their whole families and old long-time family friends like Maria and Paul. Louis walked down the aisle with his mum by his side and only focused on Zayn smiling at him. Swiftly, his gaze moved over to Niall on the other side, who couldn't look any prouder today.

"I love you" whispered his mum softly as she kissed his head and then went over to her place.

Just a few seconds later the door opened again and in walked Harry with his mother Anne. The sight of Harry took Louis' breath away. He was wearing a tight-fitting black slightly sparkling suit and had his hair open, which was falling over his shoulders. Louis was loving it. But what let his heart beat even faster was the look on Harry's face. His eyes were fixed only on Louis with so much love that it made Louis go weak in the knees. He felt his palms becoming sweaty and couldn't stop staring at his beautiful fiancé.

"I love you, Darling" heard Louis Anne whisper to Harry before she handed him over to Louis.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the joining in marriage of Mr Harry Edward Styles and Mr Louis William Tomlinson" started the priest the ceremony. While he was talking Louis and Harry locked eyes fondly and intertwined their fingers, which were definitely shaking.

"If there is anybody here today who has any reason as to why these two should not be joined together, speak now or hereafter remain silent for good" continued the priest and Louis was actually surprised. He thought that was only ever said in movies or books. And to no one's great surprise it remained silent in the room. No objections.

"Do you two have any reason you should not be lawfully married, you should ...".

"No" cut both boys him off at the same time, making literally everyone laugh in the room, even the priest.

"Well then, Harry and Louis have come up with their own personalised vows that you may present now" focused the priest back on the two boys.

Louis had thought long and intensively about what he could say today. It was important to him that it was good and he hoped he would get through it without crying. But first, it was Harry's turn.

"Louis William Tomlinson" started Harry shakily and Louis was still not used to hear him say his full name but he loved hearing it fall from his lips. "I can clearly remember the day we first met. How I hit you with that dorm room door and you're now doomed to have my nervous rambling on your wrist forever. When I first laid eyes on you and you looked at me with those amazing ocean blue eyes I was gone. I knew I had a problem from this point on. I never told you this, but that was why I read your name out loud as soon as I spotted it on your fallen-down timetable. I was hoping so badly that you would be my soulmate and I barely knew you for a minute. I couldn't explain it but this was what I felt. But then I was disappointed when I thought that nothing has happened, which I know by now wasn't the case. We bonded that day and we could have been more if I would've told you my whole name, which I didn't because I was scared to death. We were both scared but we managed to get over it and master every rocky path. I got to know every little detail about you and love everything that makes you, you. I promise you to be there for you for the rest of our lives and cherish you, look after you and comfort you with everything I am. This is why, in front of our family and friends, I take you to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, till death do us part".

When Harry finished his vow, Louis was silently crying, as was Harry himself. In his head he could clearly picture the day they met in the dorm room and to know that Harry was gone for him from the first second did something to Louis' heart. He loved this boy so much.

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