White Maid Oneshot #15

Start from the beginning

A few months later, Aurora had her own fiancé. A man who was almost twice her age. She despised him of course. And so she made a decision. At the next ball of the Emperor's, she would pull her friend aside and confess her feelings for him. 

It was mid May, at a party the Emperor Napoleon was throwing. Aurora had attended alongside her parents, and she caught sight of Sebastian with his parents and... his fiancé. The girl was thankful her own fiancé was absent. She wandered about, and crossed paths with Sebastian at one point when his fiancé was away. He smiled brightly and lead her to a hidden corner of the room. "Thank goodness you're here," he said, "Someone decent amoung all these stiff assed nobles!" Aurora giggled, "Decent? I beg to differ, Lord Sebastian- but I think I'm a bit more than decent." He hummed, "Yes, I do believe I'll have to agree, Lady Aurora." Aurora sighed, "It is a relief that you're here, Sebastian. Being in your company is far more preferable to anyone else's." Sebastian chuckled, "That is truly agreeable." He frowned then, "I've heard of your engagement. I can't imagine your too pleased about marrying someone who's twice your own age." Aurora sighed, "Yes... About that... Could you and I speak? Alone?" Sebastian nodded and they left the party to the gardens where there was a koi pond, surrounded by stones and with a small waterfall. "So, you wanted to speak?" Sebastian asked. Aurora nodded slowly, fidgeting as she attempted to speak. "I- I- Sebastian, I-..." She couldn't say it and squeezed her eyes shut. Sebastian watched and then smiled fondly at her. "Aurora. Look at me." Aurora looked up at him. His eyes were kind, soft, and Aurora felt her heart skip a beat. She sighed. "Sebastian. I don't want to marry my fiancé." Sebastian nodded, "I can see why. But I can only assume you've already spoken to your father, so who else-" Aurora cut him off and spoke a little quickly. "I want to marry you!" 


Sebastian stared at her, surprisingly, his eyes were not full of shock or disgust. Rather, full of what could have been love. Aurora squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her fists, unable to look at her friend. She gasped suddenly as he cupped her face and pulled his arm around her waist. "Lady Aurora Magné," he murmured, "Would you allow me to kiss you?" Aurora nodded. "Yes. Yes of course." He smiled and leaned down, pressing his lips against hers. There was a spark. Neither realized they needed air until they both felt faint, causing them to pull away, gasping for air. Aurora's arms were around the older boys neck, and Sebastian's arms circled around her waist, holding her close. They stared at each other, shocked. Sebastian was first to smile and caress the girl's face, gently brushing the hair from her eyes. "Aurora. I love you." Aurora smiled lovingly, "And I love you, Sebastian. I have since I saw you in town after my ninth birthday." Sebastian sighed and held her close. "Would you marry me if I asked you right now?" Aurora nodded. "Yes," she breathed, taking his hands in hers and squeezing. "Yes, of course." Sebastian smiled, "Then I believe I have a new fiancé." 

The pair walked back to the party together, and were met by their fathers. 

"Outrageous!" Michael Magné snarled, "Michaelis! Your son has corrupted my daughter!" Samuel Michaelis snapped back, "My son has done no such thing!" Aurora stayed beside Sebastian and grasped his hand in hers. Sebastian gently moved her behind him, glaring up at the two bickering adults.

"My daughter is engaged!"

"As is my son!" 

Sebastian snapped then, "Respectfully, father- I would greatly prefer to marry Lady Aurora than Lady Lilli Flores! Lady Aurora is far more appealing and kinder than her!" Aurora nodded in agreement, "And papa! Sir Rogers is twice my age! He's even older than you! I don't want to marry him! Please- let me marry Sebastian! I love him!" Her father snarled, "He has corrupted you! He is a beast just like his father!" Samuel Michaelis hissed, "Making your daughter marry someone older than you?! What kind of man does that?! My own daughter is to marry someone closer to her own age!" Samuel Michaelis nodded to his son, "I am more than willing to comply with your wishes, my son. However the Duke himself must also be in agreement before anything is finalized." All eyes fell on Duke Magné. "Please, papa! Please!" Aurora pleaded. Duke Magné grabbed his daughter by the arm roughly. "We are leaving!" He snapped, "Come Aurora!" Aurora stumbled after him, glancing back at Sebastian longingly. Sebastian watched her be dragged away dejectedly. His father put a hand on his shoulder, "I bear a strong dislike for the Duke, however if marrying the Lady makes you happy I will abide. Only you must receive the Duke's own blessing. If you don't..." Sebastian needed not to hear what finished that sentence. He would remain engaged to Lilli until an engagement between him and Aurora could be guaranteed.

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