Code Names and Intern Picks

Start from the beginning

Everyone erupted in cheers before Aizawa instantly glared at the class making them silent.

Aizawa: Usually you don't need to worry about the draft until your second or third year but your class is an exception. Basically, pros are now invested in your potential. any offers can be receeded if their interest dies down in before graduation.

Mineta: Selfish adults...

Toru: So what your saying is that we need to prove ourselves even after we are recruited?

Aizawa: Correct. Now here are the results of the intern requests of the sports festival.

Todoroki: 4,123
(y/n): 3,900
Bakugo: 3,556
Ida: 301
Kaminari: 272
Yayorozu: 108
Kirishima: 68
Uraraka: 20
Sero: 14
Mina: 4
Haruto: 2

Aizawa: Unusually these numbers are spread out but there was a primary focus on these three. 

Momo: *looks at Todoroki* That's amazing, you must be proud

Todoroki: These are mostly because of my father.

(y/n): Yeah... my mom is kinda the same...

Kirishima: Oh why is that?

(y/n): She's called "The Dragon of Kyoto" for a reason...

Aizawa: Despite these results you will all be interning with heroes after the USJ incident. But seeing heroes in the field will help hone your skills and improve your quirk use. And for that you need code names. These will probably be temporary names but take them seriously or

Midnight: *enters* You'll have hell to pay later! What you choose here may be your hero name for life. so you better be careful not to be stuck with something utterly indecent

Aizawa: Yeah she has a point. Midnight will have final approval of your names. Your name is important. It helps reinforce your image and the kind of hero you want to be. a code name tells people what you represent

Soon the class was given out whiteboards and markers to write their hero names. There was a lot of ideas going though their heads some were good, some were silly. Some time passed and Midnight made a sudden announcement.

Midnight: Now, who among you would like to share?

Aoyamma: The Shining hero: I can not stop twinkling! you cant deny my sparkle! mon ami 

(y/n): Really

Midnight: It would be better this way. Remove the I and change the can not to Can't.

Aoyama Its stunning. mademoiselle~ 

Class 1-A: What?! She likes it?

Sato: Also you're not really French that's just an act

(y/n): Mon aeroglisseur est plein d'anguilles

Mina: Okie Dokey! Here is my name! Alien Queen!

Midnight: Hold on! like that evil alien monster with the acidic blood?! I don't think so!

Soon everyone was questioning their names and how they should be taken, but they were saved by Tsyu having a normal name and everyone thought that they can finally have a good set of names for themselves.

Soon names were flying left and right with names being said but Haruto was struggling.

Haruto: I got it! The Freshpicked Hero: Kamen rider Gaim!

After the last student  Mineta went next 

Mineta: The fresh picked hero Grape juice!

Haruto: Oh come on that was my name!!!

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