Chapter 28

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(A/N) Thank you for reading, this chapter has cussing.

2-6-22:I rewrote this chapter

Kobe's POV

I woke up due to my alarm and immediately turned it off. I rolled back on my side and closed my eyes again.

I was drifting back off to sleep when I felt weight on top of me.

Vallyk jumped on me and started yelling.

"Get up! We have to leave in an hour!"He yelled as he jumped on the bed.

"Okay I'm awake now stop!"I yelled as I pushed my head into the pillow.

He then grabbed my ankle and pulled me off of the bed.

"You bitch"I yelled as I turned on my back.

I looked up and saw Vallyk looking over me.

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him down on the floor with me. I rolled over and sat on him.

"Get your giraffe ass off of me"He yelled as he started kicking.

I rolled off of him laughing.

"Get your nasty ass in the shower, I already took one"He said.

"Did you just roast me?"I asked, as I gasped dramatically and slapped my hand over my mouth.

"Yes I did, now go shower"He said.

"Okay damn"I said as I stood up and walked over to my suitcase.

I grabbed a pair of light washed jeans and a white shirt before I walked into the bathroom. I sat my stuff on the counter and grabbed a towel after shutting the door.

I placed the towel on the hook and turned on the water. I put it to the temperature I wanted and got undressed before getting in.

I washed my body up and turned off the water. I grabbed my towel and dried my body off before wrapping it around my waist and getting out of the shower.

I brushed my teeth then got dressed. I brushed my hair and put on a black bandana. I grabbed my items and brought them out to my suitcase.

I grabbed my socks and shoes before setting them by the bed. I gathered all of my items and put them in my suitcase. I sat down on the bad I slid on my socks.

As I was putting my shoes on Vallyk spoke up.

"We're going to the mall later and wanted to know if you wanted to get matching chains?"He asked me.

"Of course"I said.

"Okay!"He said, smiling.

I smiled back at him as I stood up.

"Are you ready to leave?"I asked him.

"Yeah, let's go"He said.

I nodded and grabbed my suitcase.

We walked out of the room and into the elevator.

Once we got to the main level, we walked out of the hotel. We walked through the parking lot and to the van.

We met up with Mike and Derek.

"What's up my second favorite couple?"Derek yelled.

"Sup shawty"Vallyk said, doing that stupid f-boy look.

"You're dumb"I said.

"Says the one who literally almost killed me this morning"Vallyk said.

"Bitch! All I did was sit on you, you jumped on me AND pulled me off the fucking bed then continued to roast me!"I sorta yelled.

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