Chapter 11

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(A/N)Thank you for reading this story! This chapter has cussing. I don'r really like this chapter but oh well.

2-6-22:I rewrote this chapter

Trent's POV

I woke up at 6am to my alarm going off. I got out of bed before grabbing clothes and walking into the bathroom. I sat my clothes on the counter and grabbed a towel.

I got undressed and walked over to the shower. I turned on the shower and got in it. I washed my hair and body before turning the water off. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out of the shower.

I dried my body off and got dressed. I put on light washed ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. I brushed my teeth and did my hair before walking out of the bathroom.

I woke Justice up before grabbing my shoes. He went to the bathroom to get ready while I put my shoes on. I tied them, then grabbed my phone. I took a quick selfie before typing "Good morning guys <3"and posting it to my insta story.

Justice then walked out of the bathroom ready for the day. We have about a 3 hour drive to Austin Texas for our next meet n greet.

"You ready?"I asked Justice, who was sitting on his bed.

"Yeah, we can leave"He said.

I nodded and grabbed my luggage. We walked out of the room and into the elevator. I pushed the lobby button and leaned back against the wall.

We then walked out of the elevator and out of the hotel. We walked to the van and put our luggage in the trunk. I walked to my seat and sat down. I said hi to the couple in the back that were cuddling. They said hi back before going back to what they were doing.

I noticed Justice glaring at the boys, more specifically Ethan. I wonder why, because they never did anything to him. I then remember what Jiggy and Cohen said before we went on tour and I now see why.

The rest of the guys eventually got into the van and we started our journey.

I love my fans and all but being stuck in a van for hours everyday is lowkey annoying. Like my legs hurt and being 6'1 in a van with no leg room isn't fun. As soon as I was about to go back to sleep there was a big pop.

At first I thought it was a gunshot but then I saw smoke at the back of the van. Our manager quickly hopped out to see what happened. He walked back to the van before calling someone. "

"Hi, is this Texas tire shop & auto repair?"he asked, talking on the phone.

"Hi, my tire popped on the highway and I was wondering if you could send someone to fix it?,"He asked.

He told the person all the information they needed before hanging up and opening the main van door and sitting on the floor looking at us.

"Our tire popped so we'll be out here for an hour or so, thank god we left an hour before we were supposed to so hopefully we aren't late to the meet and greet"He told us.

"That's crazy though"Jiggy said.

We all nodded before pulling out our phones. We recorded random videos to post on insta before getting out of the van. We decided to make some tiktoks to pass time.

I tried to teach Justice a dance which failed but we got some funny bloopers out of it. We then decided to take some pictures for insta. Justice took some group photos of u standing by the van. He took some of us by ourselves too.

After that we, posted our tiktoks with basically the same caption. "Stranded on the side of the road with my best friends check"my caption read.

The tire people finally got to us and changed out the tire. We finally got back on the road to Austin Texas.

heartbreak on tourDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora