Chapter 30

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(A/N) Thank you for reading, this chapter has cussing.

2-6-22:I rewrote this chapter

Jiggy's POV

I woke up due to Cohen's alarm going off. I sighed as I kicked the covers off of my body.

I slowly sat up as I stretched.

I stood up and pain immediately spread through my head.

I walked to my bag and grabbed the tylenol. I grabbed my water and swallowed the pills.

"Hey Jiggy how are you doing?"Cohen asked.

I turned around and slightly smiled at him.

"I'm still hurt and I regret spending so much time on her"I said.

"I know and I'm sorry that this happened to you"He said.

"It's okay, it's not your fault"I said.

He then walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. He started rubbing my back as my face got all red.

"I'm going to shower"Cohen said as he pulled away.

"Alright"I said.

Cohen grabbed his clothes and walked off to the bathroom. I sat on the bed as I started thinking.

'Why did I get red?'

'Do I like him?'

'Am I gay?'



I'm so confused at the moment and I don't know what to think.

I grabbed my phone and slipped on some slides.

"I'll be right back"I yelled to Cohen.

"Okay"He yelled back.

I walked out of the room and walked to Devin and Ethan's. I knocked on the door and Devin answered. I heard the shower running meaning Ethan was probably in it.

"What's up?"Devin asked.

"Can we talk?"I asked.

"Of course"He said as he let me into the room.

I walked in and sat in a chair.

"What do you need to talk about?"Devin asked.

I slightly moved in the chair as I took a deep breath.

"I'm confused"I said.

"What are you confused about?"He asked me as he looked at me confused but knew what I was going to say.

I took a deep breath as I played with my hands.

"My sexualitly"I said quietly.

Devin looked at me and smiled. "What's making you confused?"He asked me.

"Um, please don't tell anyone this"I said.

"I won't"He said.

"Cohen"I simply said.

Devin smiled huge as he looked at me.

"Can you explain?"He asked me.

"Well these past few weeks I've been really nervous when I'm around him alone and this morning when he hugged me I started blushing. I also feel closer to him and not in a friend way. Also at the meet n greet I got jealous when a girl kissed his cheek"I said quickly.

"Okay, so do you think you might have a crush on him?"He asked me.

I kind of froze as I thought. Liking him more than a friend would explain my feelings.

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