Chapter 2

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It has been 3 days of travelling but it looks like I have arrived to monstatd. *sniff sniff* Mmm... it seems like it still smells like sweet flowers, well I guess there is a flower shop over there hehe...there seems to be a restaurant there I guess I'll spend some mora thing that lumine gave me to buy some food.

"Hi I'm Sara from Good Hunters how can I help you?"

"Oh I guess I-I'll have some fishermen toast please"

"you seemed new to monstatd, so since you're new here have 2 for the price of 1"

"Thank you so much! But instead of the price of one I'll give you the price of 1/2 to be fair" I smiled sweetly.

"Aww sweetie you don't need too keep it for your kindness"

"O-Ok Miss Sara"

"No problem"

"Wow it seems like people here are really nice" I said as I finnish my Fishermen toast at the plaza.

"I know right and I am quite proud of them for being kind as they are" someone said beside me.

I took a look of who is there and I nearly cried at the sight of a bard with a lyre on hand.

"VENTI! how? are you still here where is-"
"Barbatos" I whispered quietly. I took a look at his face with sadness all over.

"w-whats wrong?"

"It is me Barbatos....Venti had already passed long ago..."

I was shock about the news and cried. Barbatos hugged me and stroked my head for comfort. "shhhh...its alright everything is ok" barbatos pushed me a little bit to look at my teary face "hey look at the bright side atleast he is at a good place now" my frown slowly turned into a smile after he said that.

"also call me venti from now on because thats my public name now"

I laughed and said "it looks like you have taken full on venti mode now huh"

"yeah hehe. anyways where have you been after all these years?"

"well a friend said I was asleep for that long and I just woke up a month ago" I giggled.

"well I hope you had a nice nap hehe. How about lets go to the tavern?"

"tavern? ok but I am not paying for your expenses besides Im the lady here " I laughed.

"aww thats sad but ok lets go anyway lets catch up with each other"


At the Tavern


"wait really that really happened? that's so cool that you fought Divalin back with the acting grandmaster, the traveller and this Diluc guy" I mean they went against the Abyss but it is still cool though.

"well well well who do whe have here?"
a flirtatious voice coming from behind.

"huh? And who might you be sir?"

"I am the cavalry captain of the knights of favonius Kaeya and who might you be little angel?"


"Nuh uh not my bestie and not infront of me" venti suddenly cuts me off

"Venti its fine.*Ahem* My name is Y/N friends of archon's and adepti's nice to meet you mr. cavalry captain" I said bowing looking at him in the eye with a smug look.
He looked surprised to my response.

The Princess of the Wilderness for the Chalk Prince( Albedo x FemReader )Where stories live. Discover now