Chapter 3 (The realization and the end)

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**I hope you have enjoyed so far, but I wanted to say that I will try and make stories, hopefully longer than this one. Now have a good read!

*Dawn POV:**

I was sitting in my bed, thinking.

Ash didn't seem so mean, he even sent me a smile! But I KNOW that he's a horrible person

     I had returned home, to Twinleaf town, and I had thought about that night, where I was harassed, every day. When I wasn't thinking about the abuser, I thought about the boy who saved my life. I had thought of ways to find him, then a bell went off in my head

You have the recording, dipshit! Just listen to it!

     I quickly rummaged through my bag and pulled out my phone. I looked at the video I had recorded. The software automatically stopped the recording at 24 hours, but it took a long time to load nonetheless. When the recording finally loaded, It was a black screen. I was confused for a bit, but I realized that since my phone was in my bag, I could only hear the audio. Still, I listened in.

P- please, stop!"



"Dawn nobody will find you here, now time for you to shut up"

At this point I was bawling, just hearing that voice, but I kept listening anyways.

"There, that did it, now for the knife, its in my bad somewh- ah, here it is, now time for the execution"

"Stop right there!"

I couldn't believe it, it couldn't be him.

"Officer Jenny!, oh wait its just a kid, what are you doing here pathetic loser?"

"Don't hurt her!"

"Try and stop me!"

I heard a noise that was akin to a punch, then a noise that sounded like a stab. I faintly heard Ash say.

"Why do you hate me? I would do this again, and again, all for you"

     At this point, I was crying even louder, and my mom came to check on me. "Honey, what is it, why are you crying" She attempted to console me, but I was out of control. "MOM, LEAVE" I screamed, and Johanna reluctantly backed away.

**Time skip- 3 days**

     I knew what I had to do, I had arrived in Jubilife city, hoping to see him, I ran around the city nonstop, until I reached the outskirts. I saw the hat, and the raven hair, on a bench just outside of the city. He was sitting there, looking down, with his Pikachu by his side. "Hey, Ash!" I called out, but that's when I noticed, he was crying.

**Ash POV:**

     Dawn. She had broken my heart, ripped it up, tore it to shreds, and felt no remorse. I sat on a bench with my faithful rodent friend. I had thought for a while, and was shook when I heard "Hey, Ash!" I knew that voice as I heard it. It pained me just hearing it. I started to cry

**Third person POV:**

     The raven haired trainer ran into the woods, trying to prevent anybody from seeing him crying. Dawn was in pursuit close behind, but Ash quickly lost her.

"Please Ash, come back, I have something I need to tell you."

"AWAY FROM ME" Ash screamed from a distance.

"Please I- I need to tell you something" Dawn pleaded.

"I'M FINE" Ash yelled

That's when I worry most Dawn thought

What does she want NOW! Ash thought.

     Dawn searched for the raven haired boy, the one who saved her. Until she saw him in a clearing in the woods. "Ash I-" "WHAT" Ash screamed. Dawn started to cry, too. "I'm so sorry for doubting you, Ash" She cried. "Why did you hate me" Ash responded. Dawn sat down next to him, put her arm around his back, he did the same. "Serena said you abused her." Dawn replied. "SHE DID WHAT" The raven haired boy replaced his tears with anger. "Calm down" She pleaded.

     They sat there quietly for a minute, when Ash said "What made you come to your senses?" Dawn replied nervously "I recorded what happened, the day I was hurt." she explained. "I heard what you said, the bluenette told him. Ash's cheeks went red.

**Ash POV:**

    She heard, what I mumbled? I figured I was too hurt for the words to make an audible noise. I was blushing so much, I was embarrassed. I looked over to her, she was blushing too. I didn't say anything for a minute. I finally found the words "I- I would do it again, for you, I really meant it" Her cheeks grew redder. Our hands interlocked.

**Dawn POV:**

     His hand, it felt.. right. I loved him so much, I finally got the courage to go up to him, and give him a kiss. He kissed me back. His lips on mine, it felt so right. A boy like him, so cute, so amazing. He saved me, he did it, all for me. When we finally got done kissing, he told me one thing I would never forget. "That, all for you."

All for you (Pearlshipping)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें