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**Im not the best writer, but I hope you like this, taking suggestions in the comments, anyways before the story starts a few things to note

1. This takes place in an alternate timeline, Ash decides to go on a tour of where he's been instead of going to aloha, and the airport scene with Serena never happens. Other things will be changed about the timeline, too, but I want to leave those for you to figure out.

2. (** means not apart of the story) (" means somebody is talking) (*represents an action) (Italics mean thoughts)

2. No hate to other ships

3. I want to thank every reader that comes by this book.

4. Inspired by soraxsky's pearlshipping books

5. Prologue is short, promise other chapters wont bee that short, though.

P- please, stop!"



"Dawn nobody will find you here, now time for you to shut up"

He doesn't know I'm recording him, I just need to come out ali-

"There, that did it, now for the knife, its in my bad somewh- ah, here it is, now time for the execution"

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