I smile to myself relaxing all of my muscles in an attempt of falling asleep again. However, my mind decided otherwise. Flashing memories of my dream filled my brain. I started blushing like an idiot. A smile was starting to form on my face. I wish that was real.

I am such a mess.

I closed my eyes; hoping for a dreamless sleep. Moving around in my bed, like a puppy trying to find a comfortable position, I finally fell asleep again.

No one's Point Of View:

Both of them fell asleep; hoping that the other is also sleeping. Soft snores and mumbles came from both of their microphones. From a distance this may look like a wholesome and relaxing scene. But in reality one of the two wasn't sleeping as peacefully as the other.

Bad was shacking in his sleep; tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He felt cold and numb. He tried his best to ignore the agony he was feeling deep inside. He shut his eyes even tighter and held his breath, trying to calm himself. But it was impossible.

BadBoyHalo's Point Of View:

[Bold = Skeppy Normal=Bad

I shut my eyes more. I just wanted to sleep. But my head wouldn't stop ringing. The fact that my leg was in constant pain didn't help either. I held my breath fearing that if I open my mouth loud sobs will escape out of me. I should probably just leave the call. I don't think he will notice. He seems to be asleep.

As I reach for my phone I heard the familiar, comforting voice speak to me. It made me jump a little.

"Badboy? Are you awake?" Oh god... What do I say?

Maybe I should just ignore him and go back asleep. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

I think to myself, truly believing it was a flawless plan. I open my mouth to take one breath and it escapes. A loud sob followed by many tears. I quickly put a hand in front of my mouth trying to muffle out any other noise but of course I failed miserably. Like always.

"Bad..." Skeppy's soft voice made my heart flutter "Please don't cry. I am here for you okay? In two days I will be there; next to you. I will hug you and not stop until you let go. So don't cry okay? I love you. I am here. I will always be here."

"Thank you...Geppy" was all I could say. He probably didn't understand me from how much my voice was shacking. "I-I love you"

He giggled. I could hear the smile form on his face. It made me happy and my cheeks bright red.

"I love you too Darry" he said in between his adorable giggles. I scoffed at the nick name he gave me. I curled into a ball and closed my eyes. "Hey Skeppy...Can you... do me a favor?" "Anything for you Bad" he makes me so happy... "Can you sing for me?"

He giggled even more, making me feel kind of stupid for asking. Every time we are having a good moment I just have to speak and ruin it don't I?

"Of course I can Bad. You don't have to feel embarrassed. Now close your eyes and sleep for once okay?" It took me a few seconds to reply with a small and barely audible "okay..."

Skeppy started humming a random melody. It helps me calm down way too much. He should sing more often. He has a beautiful voice. I let out a shaky sigh. And just like that.

I fell fast asleep

[Word Count:1.200]

[Author's Note]:

Hello! :D I sincerely apologize for the lack of chapters >_> I promise next chapter will be out in the next three days and it will be a good one, so don't worry. Sorry if there are any typos or grammar mistakes. Last but not least thank you guys so much for reading and voting, it truly means a lot to me and motivates me to continue this story! :] I think that's about it! Be on the lookout for chapter eight. >:D

Until then, have a good morning/evening/night :D


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