{42} right and wrong can get blurred

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It made the rest of his senses overcompensate and freak out at the smallest of things. It was also infuriating for Peter to only be able to hear muffled voices, like every was under water or just out of his hearing range no matter how much he strained his ears. Although, he was able to find the small things that came as a blessing to not having his hearing and latched onto them; like having to no longer listen to the soldiers insistent marching past his cell or listen to the scientists talk as they gawked at him for hours on end before they eventually prodded and poked.

They'd been doing that a lot since the loss of his hearing, trying to find ways to reverse the process.

Even if Peter didn't have the understanding needed to assess the damage for himself in scientific terms, he knew that if his healing abilities hadn't taken care of the problem then the damage was irreversible, especially if there was nothing left to heal. Therefore, the chances of his hearing returning fully were slim to none.

Not to mention that the loss of one of his senses was just another reminder of his time at Hydra, accompanied by the burn running down his side; the skin was rough and raised.

Sometimes, when the days in his cell dragged more than they usually did, he would close his eyes and pretend that he was back home- in Natasha's apartment. He'd picture himself sat with his headphones on, watching Clint yell at the tv as he died for the umpteenth time in another video game while Natasha cooked breakfast in the kitchen, laughing at her best friend's frustration and inevitable rage quit. But his imagination could only stretch so far and give him comfort for so long- he was having a hard time believing that he would ever have moments of normalcy like that again, that anyone would ever find him.

Peter wasn't sure of the timing, but he knew it had been a while since he first arrived at Hydra, and there were still no signs of the avengers coming to the rescue.

Why would they? I'm just some mutate who's more trouble than I'm worth.

Thoughts that Peter would rather ignore reared their heads in the back of his mind; Peter was quick to snuff them out with his unwavering belief in Natasha. He refused to even entertain the idea of her, or Clint, leaving him behind in a Hydra base. They had both always reminded him that they'd never let Hyra hurt him again- especially late at night when every fear and his darkest thoughts crawled out of the woodwork and made themselves known by burying into his head.

So, Peter knew that they would look for him. Both of them.

Despite his hope and self-reminders that they were simply on their way, Peter was still plagued by nightmares of Natasha. She always jumped off the tower, always shouting for him but never quite being able to reach and then- nothing. Just a longing feeling in his chest when he woke up.

Part of him wanted to believe that Tony might have been searching too.

Though neither of them would admit it out loud on any given day, they'd grown close over the few short months that he had been interning in the lab. Besides, Peter knew that Harley would likely annoy him into submission if needed.

God, I miss them; they're coming for me- they must be.

Still, that one thought didn't stop the part of Peter that feared they would never find him holed up in the dingy cell that he was calling a room. He didn't want to be trapped forever-

Strong hands grabbed his shoulders in a bruising grip, causing Peter's eyes to fly open in alarm. Instinctively, his gaze snapped to the soldier's mouth; but it was set into a firm line, void of movement. Another bout of fear unfurled in the boy's chest as he desperately tried to figure out what was happening around him: there was a scientist standing in the doorway. She gripped a clipboard to her chest and watched with an almost apologetic expression at the way Peter was roughly handled and forced forwards. His legs barely held himself up from the malnourishment.

'- experiment – new gene-'

Peter's body twitched at the words he was able to pick up on. He felt suddenly like life itself had drained him for all he had. When would it end? He thought miserably, being taken away.


The quinjet was in a whirlwind of organised chaos; the avengers flitted around as they all prepared for the take off in a few hours to meet Clint on the outskirts of the Hydra base.

Inside, Tony was seated at the console with Bruce beside him, both creating the flight plan and going over emergency manoeuvres in case things went south. On speaker phone was Clint and subsequently Barney in the background- Nat had just come from telling the pair to stop arguing or she'd shoot them on sight. Thor had taken to help prepping the spare weaponry and Steve-

"Romanoff." He announced.

Natasha's confident steps halted at the sound of her name as she walked down the bay doors in full combat gear; instinctively turning to meet the Captain. He looked like a man on a mission with the determined gleam shining in his eyes when he strode towards the assassin.

"Rogers." She greeted, inclining her head slightly in acknowledgement.

The woman had been aware of Steve's avoidance of her since the team debrief the previous morning; it wasn't difficult to figure it out when he had skipped on dinner with the team, so Nat had simply left him be- there were bigger things to think about and she knew he'd still have her back during the mission if she needed any assistance. Although, Natasha was mildly curious about what he wanted to discuss, even if she did already have an inkling of the topic.

"I've got to say something before we head out in a few hours." He said, waiting for the woman to nod again before continuing. "Yesterday at the meeting; you were right."

A smirk tugged at Nat's lips as she shrugged casually. "People disagree. We're good Rogers." She assured him, resting her hand on his arm, and giving it a light squeeze to prove her point. Even if he hadn't approved; a small part of Natasha knew that she'd have carried on with her plan regardless. Snatching Peter away from her and his home wasn't something Natasha could let go of easily, even if Steve himself asked with the purest of intentions.

When she went to move on, she noticed Rogers hesitate beside her like he wanted to say something else, so she patiently waited for him to continue his speech.

"I don't want you, to kill her." He said tentatively, "What I mean is, vengeance is a dark road where the lines between right and wrong can get blurred, trust me, I know." He commented, eyes darkening for a moment so brief Natasha couldn't be sure it was there in the first place.

"Could you stop after Helen? Even if some of Hydra got away. Could you move on?"

The question hung between them. There was genuine worry in his eyes for the woman that Natasha could become if she went through with her plan. No righteousness. Just Steve speaking to her instead of 'Captain Rogers' and it made Natasha pause, sincerely considering the concern.

There was a small moment of silence between the duo as she studied his face, forehead creasing ever so slightly in concentration before nodding solemnly.

"For Peter. I'd move on for him- he'll need me to." 


Is this in character? I like to think so. Welp. I just loved the idea of Nat and Steve having opposing ideas, but comes round to her way of thinking, at least a little.

Anywho! Let me know of any spelling mistakes! xoxo.

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