{12} you are a nugget, nugget

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SINCE THE NIGHT OF THE FIGHT and the confrontation with Helen, Natasha had maintained a firm stance on cutting down Peter's patrol times around the city- even Clint had been no help whatsoever when Peter had attempted to bargain with the redhead. She even messaged him for updates on the night's that he did patrol, just in case he found himself cornered by Hydra agents and the avengers weren't able to make another grand entrance as backup.

Peter appreciated the concern despite not knowing how to react to it, but he was annoyed that the only other thing he could with his now abundance of free time in the evening was study.

His fingers tapped on the desk which just happened to be in unison with the rhythm of his foot hitting the floor. The online lecture was dragging, the teacher's voice droning on in the background while Peter spun lazily on his swivel chair, eyes bouncing from the ceiling to the clock repeatedly when he heard three distinct words, "- a partner project."

Instantly, Peter's spinning froze and he groaned at being assigned a partner in the class.

The thing with the class that Natasha had joined him up to- posing as his mother which he refused to acknowledge- was that it was for teenagers who couldn't attend the lessons physically for several reasons; living too far away, health problems etc. So, Peter had never had to talk to any of the kids in person- in fact, he barely paid much attention to the students at all since he was usually too busy reading ahead or doing his own experiment off camera.

"- Parker with Keener." And now he had to work with someone.

It wasn't that Peter necessarily disliked anyone in the class, he just didn't know how to interact with them without coming across as standoffish. He frowned to himself as 'Keener' popped up in his online messages, the light blinking tauntingly beside his name.

Harley Keener: got a number?

The moment the class ended, Peter had dashed out of his room and wandered into the rest of the apartment to see Natasha lounging on the couch, eyes raking over a file in her hands while her feet laid comfortably in Clint's lap who sat at the opposite end, controller in hand.

"How was class Pete?" Natasha asked without looking up.

Peter groaned again. "Got a partner project." He moaned, reaching into the cupboard for a pack of biscuits- he threw one at Clint who failed to catch it in his mouth without tearing his attention away from the screen. Natasha frowned in annoyance at the crumbs.

"You won't die." She commented, a smile playing on her lips at his obvious misfortune.

Peter grunted. "Maybe I will. We pray and hope."

"Bold of you to assume I'm letting you die."

Natasha grinned as Peter huffed whilst practically collapsing into the armchair, munching mournfully on a biscuit and clutching the pack to his chest like it was a new born child. Despite his annoyance, she loved the sight- things had changed so fast in the few months he'd been living with her.

"What's the project for?" Clint questioned, angrily hitting buttons.

"Science. Robots. Stuff." Peter grumbled tiredly, looking down at his phone.

Harley: soooo. robots. cool huh?

Peter: all you got?

Harley: all I need my guy

It's a Spider Thing. {Peter Parker and Natasha Romanoff}Where stories live. Discover now