{22} the only new mutant on the block

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Natasha had been watching Peter stare out of the car window for the past five minutes. Usually she didn't interrupt his staring, knowing that his mind was most likely running a mile a minute, but there was only so long she could sit and look at the torn expression on his features.

It was his first day as Tony Stark's intern.

His duty was to 'just do science' which had baffled the teenager at first. Peter thought he'd have been taking coffee orders, making notes or trailing after the billionaire. But the only thing Tony had said to bring was himself and comfortable clothes to, and quote:

"Do science and maybe blow stuff up."

The teen blinked at the sudden question, taking a few seconds to process. Natasha tilted her head, allowing an amused glint to show in her eyes as she waited patiently for a response.

"I don't think entering with the Black Widow is going to do much for my cover." He mused.

Peter's gaze focussed back on the high-rising building across the street; it looked impenetrable despite being able to walk straight through the double doors. Natasha hummed beside him, catching his attention so that he looked at her instead, "And I don't think interning under Tony Stark is going to do much for your cover, yet here we are." She said simply, not looking too annoyed at the complaint and the obvious risk that they were taking- his lip quirked upwards before his head yet again turned to look back out of the window.

Natasha's expression dropped when he took in a long, steadying breath but made no sign of moving.

Realistically Peter knew his worries were ridiculous. He'd swung off the tower many times when patrolling the city, but it was the idea of entering the building that had Peter's stomach roiling with unease. He'd been inside the tower a grand total of two times- one for a brief visit to get a glorified pager and the other because he had been bleeding out. So, the idea of entering now? As Peter Parker with no mask to hide behind and no clear exit? His sense hummed in disapproval.

"Come on. You'll be late." Natasha nudged him.

He made a face at the slight jostle it caused but said nothing when she leaned over to open the door for him, before retreating and getting out of her own side of the vehicle. Swallowing back the most of his nerves, Peter reluctantly clambered out of the car and dragged his backpack with him before following the redhead into the building.

The main entrance was filled to the brim with people in work attire, bustling around with files and briefcases. Phones rang continuously as did people swiftly typing away on keyboards.

He followed Natasha through the glass doors, eyes jumping from person to person, mentally assessing threats and dangers while she weaved between the usual workers with grace- Peter mimicked the movement on her heels which made a few workers look up and acknowledge the duo.

Peter felt the moment everyone's attention shifted to him and Natasha, the files and tasks for the day suddenly unimportant in the face of the Black Widow and a teenage boy.

On the surface, Natasha remained indifferent to the stares. Though Peter was under no illusion that she hadn't taken a note of the change in behaviours around the room; wasn't analysing her findings thoroughly as she engaged in pleasantries with the secretary.

The traces of unease and anxiety disappeared in an instant from Peter who straightened his back under the sudden scrutinizing stares- it only made the occupants of the room whisper more.

"Thank you so much." Natasha finished, handing a pass to Peter.

On instinct, Peter accepted the object without much objection and fell into step with the assassin, prompting the room to continue with what they had been doing before the duo had arrived. They headed for the elevator and Peter let out a breath of relief when the doors slid closed, effectively shielding them from the prying eyes of nosey workers.

It's a Spider Thing. {Peter Parker and Natasha Romanoff}Where stories live. Discover now