She didn't bother asking Hawks. Leaving her own sight, he kind of looked towards her. He noticed that she was really chowing down now. He tried not to chuckle at that and left the room completely. He felt satisfied that she was able to eat something better.

That's the thing about meeting strangers. He's come across many people in his life, but would never come across them again. There was something in him hoping he'd see her again. And the fact that the League of Villains wants her... That was another issue at hand.

A problem that is hopefully resolved and that she isn't found again.

(She doesn't seem like a villain type...) He thought. Despite her attitude problem, he can feel that she's a good person.


After two days, Satoko was a bit sick of staying in bed. Not listening to doctor's orders, she ripped the IV out of her arm. She felt good enough to get out of bed.

It was bothersome staying any longer. She saw her clothes on the side and grabbed them to change into. It looks like they cleaned them.


She went into the bathroom to change out of the hospital gown, and left the room promptly.

As she was walking, she bumped into someone. There was a man in front of her with a girl at his side.

The man was so skinny that he looked like a skeleton. He looked worn and tired. His eyes were dark with a blue light shining through them.

The girl had semi-wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. A pair of glasses rested carefully on her nose. She put her hands to her chin and gasped. "Uncle Might! Are you ok?" The girl rushed to the man's side and put her hands on his shoulders to make sure that he was alright.

"Yes," All Might responded with a smile. "There's no need to worry."

Instead of being rude, Satoko halted. She knows better not to apologize when she's in the wrong. "Sorry about that..." But she realized something.

"Did you call him... 'uncle Might?' He doesn't look like All Might." She was curious, of course. She isn't sure how she feels about All Might honestly.

All Might had a dumbfounded expression. He thought everyone knew about his appearance by now.

Melissa looked surprised as well. She looked towards All Might. "I thought you said that everyone knows about that now?"

"Not everyone has that luxury of knowing." Satoko grumbled.

All Might caught on. Looking at her appearance, she looks like she's a bit sheltered. He didn't want to assume. "Sometimes word can spread less fast in some areas. Would you like to hear my story then?"

"I guess." Satoko replied. The least she could do for bumping into him like that. He didn't look like he's in a good condition either.

All Might kept the story brief and short. He talked about the fight with All For One. Satoko tried to pay attention, but with hero stuff.. Hard to believe everything with her.

She zoned back in when Melissa started speaking.

"It was really great how you managed to rescue that student too," Melissa said with a smile. She focused back on Satoko. "I actually don't live here in Japan. I came from the United States because I heard that UA has a great support course. I'd like to test out my abilities with them! It would be a great opportunity to get to know the students too."

She poked her chin as she went through the names in her head. "Let's see...I know all of them, but it will probably be nice to get to know some of them better. And it will be especially nice to see my good friend Deku again!" Her cheeks turned a pretty pink color.

It Started With A Bullet - Dabi x OC (Multiships)Where stories live. Discover now