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Full name: Daley Truebranch

Nicknames: Sketch

Date of birth: 23 December 1953

Age: 67

Preferred pronouns: He/him

Species: Dragon

Height: 12'0"

Weight: 69kg

Skin colour: Pastel blue (67), blue grey (BG7), Indian blue (64)

Eye colour: Antique pink (Winsor & Newton)

Likes: Dating (with or without the commitment; i.e. might enjoy the aspect of dating, but not having a partner), daytime, curling, dirt polishing, botulism

Dislikes: Fruits, diving into water (or off cliffs), the setting sun, frogs, avant garde

Element: Snow

Family: Unknown

Pack rank: Special

Accessories: Sunflower (Winsor & Newton) collar, bronze (Sharpie) light-up wristbands

Status: Alive

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