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Full name: Sung-hyun Larmatillon

Nicknames: Peter, Repeater

Date of birth: 21 June 1946

Age: 75

Preferred pronouns: He/him

Species: Nekojin

Height: 6'9"

Weight: 103kg

Skin tone: Honey

Fur colour: Skin white (131), French vermilion (22)

Eye colour: Olive green (41), baby skin pink (133), emerald green (55)

Likes: Goats, beading, bowling, quiet people, hang-gliding

Dislikes: Mythology, intelligent people, Muay Thai, darts, planning and making lists

Element: Time

Family: Unknown

Pack rank: Special

Accessories: Sunflower (Winsor & Newton) collar, bronze (Sharpie) light-up wristbands

Status: Alive

Ocean Star Pack Bios - Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora