
3 0 0

Full name: Motya Pyreorb

Nicknames: Tracy, Tracing

Date of birth: 9 May 2001

Age: 20

Preferred pronouns: She/her

Species: Human

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 91kg

Skin tone: Almond

Hair colour: Skin white (131), jade green (171), pale lilac (147)

Eye colour: Blue grey (BG9), baby skin pink (133), lavender (83)

Likes: Bonfires, being late, medical science, bees, sex

Dislikes: Holidays, the stars, butterflies, knapping (not napping), a specific texture (metal, styrofoam, soft blankets, slime, etc.)

Element: Ice

Family: Unknown

Pack rank: Special

Accessories: Sunflower (Winsor & Newton) collar, bronze (Sharpie) light-up wristbands

Status: Alive

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