
3 0 0

Full name: Jackie Wheatheart

Nicknames: Mani, Manifest

Date of birth: 17 June 1942

Age: 79

Preferred pronouns: He/him

Species: Human

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 95kg

Skin tone: Ebony

Hair colour: Pastel blue (67), turquoise blue (68), black (120)

Eye colour: Pear green (Winsor & Newton), blue grey (BG3)

Likes: Piercings, coffee, headphones, beading, sassiness

Dislikes: Abandoned buildings, avant garde, old movies, cabalism, cars (collecting, watching/listening to them drive, fixing, riding, etc.)

Element: Snow

Family: Unknown

Pack rank: Special

Accessories: Sunflower (Winsor & Newton), bronze (Sharpie) light-up wristbands

Status: Alive

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