Chapter 1

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"where am I? It looks like I am at some kind of cave that also kinda looks like a room?" I thought to my self as I was getting up from the bed. I heard some foot steps coming towards to where I am "Hello? i-is someone there".

"Y/N! you're awake! are you ok? it has been years I thought you would never wake up!" said the unknown girl.

"Who are you if I may ask and is that my name? Y/N?"

"wait you can't remember..? it seems like you were knocked over too hard as I thought...anyways I'll let me introduce myself once again my name is lumine"

"lumine...Ah lumine I heard you mentioned I was knocked over how did that happened?"

"well you see there was this war and you were hurt and yeah thats how you got knocked over but you're fine now that's that matters"

"I see...I can't remember anything else but...BARBATOS!" I suddenly stood up and lost balance but lumine catches me before I hit the ground. "Woah! Thank you lumine"
I said breathing heavily because of shock of lumine catching me and almost falling to the ground."No problem, but you still need to take it easy for now you are still weak and don't worry everyone is safe now and the war is gone"

*Lumine's POV*
perhaps she will remember some people after all Barbatos was her closest along with Morax. She lived long before I was here and she probably had more time with them. I heard a rumour that Barbatos still this day visits the tree where it all happened...

*After she snaps back to Reality*

"o-ok but may I ask where we are?"

"yeah sure we are currently at Guili Plains. Now lets get you catch up on the timeline for now I am sure you are going to be confused about a lot of things besides it has been years ever since you slept and you a heavy sleeper" she smirked and laughed as I was confused seconds later I too laughed to my own confusion.

It seems like a lot has changed and it seems like Dain is still in the world. And even in this long she chose to wait for her twin for the Abyss. She told me the story of khanreah again incase I forgot. She said that I didn't want to tell her where I came from in the past so that information will have to wait until something have gave me a hint of where I'm from. She also said that she had mentioned me about a few weeks go to her brother Aether who apparently I am guessing is having a cry fest that has been going on about for 2 to 3 weeks.

"So...Y/N would you like to explore teyvat?
but I can't go with you...the aby-"

"Lumine...I know you have responsibilities you don't need to come with me I will just explore teyvat on my own. Besides the abyss needs you. Though I think I might need some self defense lessons again" I said as I cut her off and giggled and she giggled with me with a friendly tone.

"Ok I guess I am gonna give you lessons again. After you've mastered the arts of the great lumine then you shall travel teyvat!"
We both laughed of what lumine said and got some food as we were hungry after a long day of storytelling.


a month later...

yes yes ofcourse it took that long


"Y/N here are some food it would last you for atleast a week or two depending on how much you eat *giggles* stay safe ok. if there are mages around you could ask them about my whereabouts. And if you were somehow with a knight which I don't know how would you get in that situation but act like the Abyss are enemies for your safety."

"Ok lumine I'll keep that in mind. Though acting like the Abyss are enemies will be cringey and hard to watch *both laughs* Thank you for everything"

"No problem, Oh I almost forgot. Try to stay away for the chief Alchemist from monstatd ok he is quite nosey"

"I'll try but I don't know what he looks like so that would be a big problem I'll try my best I guess" We both laugh at my horrendous of a problem.

"lumine ok then off you go I'll miss you bye Y/N"

"I'll miss you too Lumine till we meet again."

*Lumine's POV*
You know even though for all the years that had passed you are still the Y/N that I knew...and I can still feel the aura that dark aura that is behind your pure self even if its just a little bit peeking out and I hope the dark won't devour you again.....y/n.....
I hope you'll be safe on your travels Y/N.

*Back to Y/N*

So this will be my brand new start. This travel will probably change my mind about teyvat but I still wish some of places that I used to go is still there even if its broken that still goes to show of how much it has gone through all the years. And for my brand new start I will have a brand new look to monstatd and see what has happened while I was asleep. But why do I feel like lumine is hiding something from me.... It doesn't matter, whatever it is she will probably tell me someday. After all we are friends....

Note from writer:
Hi guys I hope you guys liked it so far
and if you guys are confused. Yes y/n is involved with the Abyss and lumine is her friend they have been friends before the Abyss was created.

984 Words.

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