Bio And Backstory For Glitchtrap And Vanny

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Name: Vincent Afton-Emily
Age: 27
Occupation: parasite and father
Possessed: Glitchtrap
Height In Human Form: 6' 7"
Height In Animatronic Form: 7' 8"
Appearance In Human Form: he basically a twin of William Afton but just not purple
Appearance In Animatronic Form: Glitchtrap is mainly golden yellow in color with lighter accents on his ears, torso, and ears inside. His face is egg shaped with bright purple eyes, short eyelashes, and long, thin eyebrows. He has two black whiskers on either side of his snout and a large, grinning mouth sporting off-white teeth with two larger ones on top. He has a deep purple bowtie and a matching star speckled vest. He has two dark buttons below his bowtie, In the main lobby he glows a ghostly green, unlike the most animatronics, he appears more like a proper costume with no visible electronics,. There's stitching along his hands, joints, and ears. After the first tape is found, Glitchtrap's first form seems to be ghostly translucent, with a choppy animations, making his appearances hard to make out. Other then having a completely green palette and glowing purple eyes, collecting more tapes bring him closer, and collecting coins makes his appearance more solid and his animations more fluid.
Gender: Male
Hobbies: killing, cooking, singing, reading, and playing
Crush: Vanny
Partner: Vanny
Clothing: (whatever a father wears)

Abilities In Glitchtrap Form:

Glitching: this ability is basically the same as teleportation but with a glitch affect it also allow the teleportation to go faster

Mind Controlling: he can control anybody by hypnizing them

Reality Warping: he can make anything with illusions but make seem real

Madness Manipulation: he can make anybody go insane

Dream Manipulation: he can give anybody night terrors

Speed: he can go as fast as to looking like he teleporting

Strength: his strength is that too of Springtrap and Lolbit strength

Possession: he can take control of the host

Living Inside The Mind: he is able to live inside your mind as if it were his home

Backstory For Vincent Afton-Emily: Vincent Afton-Emily was murder by his father but had taken possession of Glitchtrap and years later when you were 4 he found out you were his grandson. So he had decided to live inside your mind and before you he had met Vanny he had given her some of his abilities.

Name: Vanessa Emily-Afton
Age: 26
Occupation: Parasite and Mother
Possessed: Vanny
Height In Human Form: 5' 6"
Height In Animatronic Form: 6' 7" (only because of the ears and the fact that the rabbit suit give her extra height)
Appearance In Human Form: Vanessa appears to have a white complexion with freckles on her face. She has blonde hair, apple green irises, olive pupils, and glossy lips. She appears to be wearing a beige-colored security guard uniform, with darker accented shoulder pads. She also has a dark gray cap and pants.
Appearance In Animatronic Form: when she isn't in her guard uniform, she takes on the of Vanny, and wears a large rabbit suit. The suit is mostly white, but it has patches and stitches all over made of differently colored and patterned fabrics. The suit also has large red eyes that glow in the dark.
Gender: Female
Hobbies: killing, cooking, singing, reading, and playing
Crush: Glitchtrap
Partner: Glitchtrap
Clothing: other then a security guard uniform she wears a shirt that exposes her stomach, she also wears pants with holes, she also wears combat boots

Glitching: this ability is the same as teleportation but with a glitch affect and also making it more faster to teleport

Reality Warping: she can change the reality to make illusions

Madness Manipulation: she can make anyone insane

Dream Manipulation: she give anybody night terrors

Speed: she is the speed of travelling through the internet

Strength: her strength is that too of Springtrap and Lolbit strength

Possession: she can take hold of the host

Living Inside The Mind: she can live inside the host mind as if it were her home

Children Charmer: she can lure any child without problems

Backstory For Vanny: Vanessa had been murder by her father as well but when she met Glitchtrap she had fallen in love with him and that was how they started dating.

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