That didn't go so well

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I was in the 3rd grade and idk why but all my classmates were yelling Karin×Adam! Witch got me so angry because I don't understand why they shipped me with Adam like why?! I didn't  even have a crush on him!  But uh anyways I was angry and I yelled "Shut up!" Almost everyvone was quiet except for Lukas and Filip and I got so angry that I yelled at Filip "You're a motherfucking assholed bich, that is hurting everybody, you fucking beast shut the fuck up!"
And if that wasn't enough Lukas was still yelling Karin loves Adam so I went up to him and pinned his arm with my arm to his desk that it almost broke but I let go before that could happen....

So I had to apologize to them and write down what I did and I had to show it to my mom when I did I had some grammar wrongs in it she was shocked and my grandpa just said "Karin if you wanna curse then please learn to write it right" My mom was so shocked and angry 😂😂

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⏰ Última atualização: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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