Chapter 4

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I wake up and I feel sore. Bias is standing over me. He kisses me and I shove him off. He has hurt written over his face. "You ass!" I scream at him. "Tris, I-" he starts, "No, shut up!" I scream and the door opens. Christina. "Baby, I wanted to help you. I-" I sob. "Don't." I cry and he nods. "Four-" Christina starts. "No. Don't even start Christina." He chokes and I look at him. Guilt starts to fill me, he was just trying to help me.

"She knows you meant good." Christina says softly. "Then why does she hate me? Answer me that?" I am taken aback. Hate him? "Hate you?" me and Christina ask in unison. "She said it." Bias says and they look at me. "I don't recall saying 'I hate you'." I reply. "Before you knocked out, you whispered it in my ear." He croaks and I scowl, confused. "I did?" he nods, confused himself. "Will?" Christina calls and Will comes in. "You told me that you hated me before you knocked out." I shake my head. "I can't remember, baby." I bite my lip. I called him 'baby' when I am supposed to be mad at him. His eyes light up. "I heard it, too." Will whispers and I look at all of them. "I never said I hated him..." I trail off and I stand. "I don't remember saying it."

I get dizzy and stumble. Bias catches me. "No.." Will runs forward. "What? Will, what's wrong?" Bias and Christina ask. "She hit her head too hard.." Bias' eyes widen. "It just didn't hit her yet. Four, I'm sorry. She has Amnesia." And I'm out.

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