Chapter 1

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My name is Beatrice Rose Prior, I am sixteen years old. I am part of the Night Creepers gang. Though, I am the shortest and/or smallest- I am feared. As the Night Creepers, we dress in black clothing very often. We represent a gang. The Day Troopers wear Denim very often. Their 'leader' is a girl named Nicolle.
My Best Friend, Tobias Eaton, used to lead with me. He had to leave for a stupid thing his dad made him do. He is coming back today. We go to Dauntless High. I miss him, we've been friends since I was born. He always stayed by my mom when she was pregnant with me. He is tall, strong, and handsome. Every girl at school practically drools over him.
He has dark brown hair, stormy blue eyes, tan skin, hooked nose, stick-out ears, a spare upper lip with a full lower lip. Right now, me and the Night Creepers are by my locker. We are waiting for Tobias. He goes by Four and only I can call him Bias, or any other nickname.
I am leaning on my locker and Christina, the fashionista of the gang, fixes my leather jacket. "Can you not?" she stops and her boyfriend, Will chuckles. "Bea!" My head snaps in the direction of the voice. Bias. He picks me up and kisses me. I wrap my legs around his waist. "I missed you, Bias." I whisper when we pull away. "I missed you more, Bea." He smiles.
"How has the Night Creepers been to you?" he asks and I shrug. "Zeke, Uriah, Al, and Caleb don't listen to me." The four of them give me looks. "Zeke, Uriah, Al, Caleb! You listen to my girlfriend- got it?" They nod and Will laughs. It quickly dies down for the Day Troopers came over. "Night Creepers." Bias puts me down. "Four, you came back." Peter says.
Bias rolls his eyes and holds my waist. "Come on, Night Creepers." Bias leads us away. "I love you, Bias." He smiles and Christina smiles. "I love you, too." Christina sighs, "You need to be more tidy with your clothes!" she complains and I groan. They laugh and I glare. The gang shuts up, some covering laughter with a coughing fit. That some includes Bias. He smiles at me and I roll my eyes.
"You should get on Four's shoulders, then you'll be tall for once." Lauren jokes and Bias shoots her a glare. I shrug, Bias puts me on his shoulders, holding my ankles. I play with his hair as we walk in the halls. Al and Zeke walk ahead of us, teasing each other. Lauren walks behind them, slapping them if needed. Christina walks nest to her, fixing her hair.
Will walks with Uriah behind us, they are talking about God knows what. Cara walks next to us, silent until spoken to. Caleb is teasing with Four, I laugh at them. Caleb is my brother, he is protective over boys. He doesn't look like me, though. He's average height, slightly chubby, strong. He has brown hair, dark green eyes, dimples, and ears that have detached earlobes.
I on the other hand have, blonde hair, bright blue gray eyes, a slightly hooked nose, small pink lips, freckles over my nose and cheek bones, pale skin, thin eyebrows, dimples, and detached earlobes. My blond hair falls to the middle of my small body. I have no curves, just a slight one at my waist. I pretty much am flat-chested, but I do have muscles showing on my body.
I hate my body, Tobias insists that I'm beautiful but I don't believe him. He says that I'm the most beautiful girl he ever seen. That's defiantly a lie. "What are you thinking about?" Cara asks softly, snapping me out of my thoughts. "The differences between me and other girls." I reply and Bias tenses from under me. "Yeah? Like what? You're more beautiful?" I laugh, "No, the opposite." That did it, Tobias slowed his pace. "Beatrice.." He only uses my actual name when he's dead serious. "What it's true!" Christina turns to us. "No, Beatrice. It isn't." Caleb argues. "You're so beautiful, baby." Tobias rests his head on my knee. "Tris, you're always beautiful." Christina adds. I drop my head, "No I'm not, stop lying." I mumble and Tobias squeezes my ankles. "Guys, enough. I'll talk to her later." He at least knows when I mumble to stop.

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