Track au (Jefhalo)

182 15 19

- 3rd person Darryl (Gbh) POV-

Darryl sat at his desk, staring at nothing in particular. He never liked this class because of his general confusion to the subject and a certain someone wasn't here. He always tried to cheer himself up by remembering it was his last class. He shifted his gaze around even though he knew full and well that they weren't here. He smiled widely when he heard the bell, standing up quickly and grabbing his bag. He rushed out the door, taking a sharp turn past some lockers. He had to dodge some girls who were coming from their own classes. He pushed open the doors, hopping onto the railing of the stairs. He slid down, jumping off at the bottom. 

He ran to the side of the school where the field was placed. He only slowed his pace when he was up against the fence, eagerly scanning the area. His eyes landed on a boy who was just finishing a lap around the field. He stopped next to the coach, looked back to the rest of the boys who were running. 

Darryl's gaze softened as he stared at the boy. It was him. His name was Zak, the star runner on the track team, and in Darryl's opinion, the cutest boy in the entire school. Darryl had come to the field every afternoon for almost two years just to see Zak. The brunette absolutely adored the boy and would do anything for him. But there was one problem.

Zak didn't even know Darryl existed. He had run into him before but he couldn't remember it for the life of him. On the other hand, Darryl remember that day like it had just happened. He could describe every detail up to the temperature outside if he wanted to. 

- Flashback =) -

It happened like any normal school day. Darryl was on his way to class, shoving people who were in his way. He really had no need to be in a hurry, but he just liked tormenting people. At this point in time, he didn't care about anyone and everyone just thought of him as a jerk. A girl had come up to him with a smile and grabbed his wrist, making him stop. 

' ' Hey Darryl! I was wondering if you wanted to I don't know..... go to the movies sometime? ' ' The girl giggled, Darryl pulling his arm away from her. 

' ' I'm not interested... ' ' He hissed, trying to walk away before she moved in front of him to stop him again. 

' ' Please Darryl! ' ' She begged, ' ' Just one date! That's all I want! Then the other girls will stop picking on me! ' ' Her eyes had a pleading look.

' ' Why would I care?' ' The brunette asked, narrowing his eyes. She continued to beg, looked over her shoulder constantly to make sure the other girls wouldn't see.

' ' Please! ' ' She asked one more time, her voice losing hope. Darryl turned, going to walk away. He was stopped when a strong forced pushed him to the ground. He laid on the ground, a pain in his head and back from the impact. 

' ' What the hell is wrong with y- ' ' The words got caught in his throat when he saw who had ran into him. A shorter boy was on top of him, struggling to get up. The boy's hair was a raven black and he had dark brown eyes. His face was red with embarrassment as he struggled to apologize to Darryl.

' ' Oh my pumpkins- I am SO sorry dude ' ' His voice was was worried and his words were rushed. Darryl didn't notice that because he was too busy staring in awe at the boy. What was this feeling? He had never felt like this before, so why now? What was different?

' ' Are you okay, man? ' ' The raven haired boy asked, now standing and lending his hand for the brunette to take. Darryl hesitantly grabbed the boy's hand, letting himself be pulled to his feet. 

' ' Again, I'm really sorry ' ' The boy apologized again, running off past Darryl. The brunettes gaze never left the boy until he had left through the doors. Darryl felt frozen in time. A time he would remember forever.

(Spongebob narrator) -End of flashback-

Zak walked over to the bleachers, having to wait for the rest of the team to finish a few more laps. He sat down, leaning his back against the fence. He grabbed his water, tiredly drinking from it. When he pulled it away from his lips it was almost finished, a drop falling down his chin. He closed his eyes, leaning his head back. He sat, the only sound he could hear being his own heavy breaths. He couldn't help but feel like someone was watching him, making him slowly open his eyes.

He nearly jumped when he saw the face of a brunette smiling at him. He turned fully around, staring at the boy, who was now waving happily at him. 

' ' Hey Zak! ' ' Darryl spoke with a grin. Zak took a moment to process everything after he had just ran 20 laps around the field. He was so tired.

' ' um hey...? ' ' He hesitantly answered, trying to match a name to the brunette's face. 

' ' Who are you again..? ' '

Darryl let out a saddened sigh, lowering his head for a moment. He didn't respond, only pulling out something from his pocket. He held whatever it was out to Zak, who stared at it for a moment. He grabbed it, seeing it was a folded up paper. He opened it, seeing some writing on the inside.


I think ur rlly cool and I've been trying to give u this for a while

My name's Darryl btw!

Zak went to look back at the boy but he was gone, no where in sight. Zak placed the paper in his bag, looking back to his team. He'd decide to text later if he wanted to.

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