Beyond Her Scars |1|

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Leela nicely put on her light blue Salwar and tied her hair in a fishtail and put on cute clips, she looked into the mirror one last time and went out of her room to the living room, the room was filled with neighbors and guests as it was our Leela's 18th birthday, though she was reluctant she agreed on having the party as her brother Sunil, who was 26 was urging her.

As she stepped into the living room, Sunil called her with a smile, '' Here comes our birthday girl".  Leela smiled sheepishly and stood in front of the cake, soon the cake was cut and everyone started to wish her and give her presents.

Then Sunil called her. Leela went to him and then Sunil spoke.

"Leela, Guarav is here to wish you."

Leela casually smiled Gurav and said, " Hi brother Guarav, How have you been. "

Guarav was the son of the landowner of Sunil's shop. Sunil took the land for rent with the help of Guarav and opened his shop there. He pays a monthly rent to Guarav's father, but is grateful to Guarav for convincing his dad to lend the land.

Guarav smiled back at her and replied, "I am fine, you look so beautiful today.''

Hearing that Leela smiled. After that Guarav and Leela talked for some time about random, then Guarav asked her, "Leela, do you have a boyfriend?"

"No! Of course not!" Leela replied panicked.

"Its Alright, you don't have to panic, you are so cute." Guarav then subtly patted her head, while Leela just sat there smiling.

Soon, the party ended and everyone went home. Guarav was among the last to leave. Before leaving he spoke to Leela once again, "Then, I'll see you around Leela".

" Sure" Leela replied smiling.

After that Leela who was tired hurriedly walked towards her room, but was stopped by Sunil.

" Do you want something bro?'' She questioned.

" Nah,but  I haven't given you a birthday gift right?". Sunil grinned . Sunil then took out a brand new android phone from his back and handed it to Leela.

Leela was on cloud nine receiving that gift, she jumped with joy and hugged her brother tightly.

'' Thank you so much! I always wanted it, I love you so much."

"You only love me now huh?" Sunil lightly smacked her head.

"No, I always love you brother."

"Alright now, go to your room and rest you have collage tomorrow."

Leela nodded and happily went to her room, after that she changed into her pajamas and flopped on the bed, "She took out her phone and started off by downloading some apps including Whatsapp." After a bit of scrolling she grew tired and went to sleep.


Leela woke up early morning and got ready for a long tiring day in collage, she quickly had her breakfast went to school."

On her way to collage she quite unexpectedly happen to meet Guarav by the tea stall. As soon as Guarav saw her he greeted her with a smile, " Hi, Leela we meet again. Are you going to collage?"

"Yes, I am." Leela replied.

"Want me to drop you off, I brought my bike today?"Guarav offered Leela.

"No, its alright brother, I can go by myself."

"Hey, come on Let me drop you." Guarav urged Leela.

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