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Third person's POV

"Please stay with us" Felix whispered and kept hoping that Hyunjin will wake up

Inside the emergency room, everyone is panicking even though they are experienced with such situations but it was Hyunjin. The man who is in a worse situation and anytime soon will give up. Also, the doctor kept making himself calm but he is also panicking because he knows what Hyunjin has. The heart rate monitor went straight.

The sound echoed inside the room but it can be heard outside that made Chan, Felix and Minho stand up. The three were hesitating to go iside.

"Clear!" they heard the doctor shouted inside the emergency room

His family arrived and all were crying as they saw Hyunjin's heart rate monitor went straight.

"Please save him" his Mom begged

Hyunjin's Father was controlling his tears but failed. His tears fell as he remembered how many times Hyunjin was in that situation and survived but this time, it's the worse. The heart rate monitor went straight meaning Hyunjin is going to die. Hyunsoo can't watch the heartbreaking moment of his brother being revived, he suddenly remembered his son who just passed away.

His friends, Jeongin, Jisung, Seungmin and Changbin arrived. They all saw Hyunjin's situation that made them cry. It was the most craziest moment that made them cry for the first time, seeing Hyunjin in the verge of death.

Finally, with the help of their prayers, the heart rate monitor went normal. Hyunjin survived the worse and dangerous situation. The doctors did their job to make sure Hyunjin will be safe and stable. Hyunjin's personal doctor cried as he saw Hyunjin fought for his life. He wiped his tears and went outside the room, he deep bowed to Hyunjin's parents and tears started falling from his eyes.

"I apologize" he said and bowed once again that made everyone confuse "Hyunjin has glioblastoma multiforme, a brain cancer"

"Was that the thing you mentioned before that we were having a hard time to figure out?" Doctor Hwang asked

The doctor nodded "I figured out weeks ago and told Hyunjin about it. Then, he begged me not tell anyone especially the girl he was with that night. I am sorry for not telling you, it was my fault that it became worse. I am going to quit my job as I am not worthy of this position as Hyunjin's personal doctor"

"N-No, you can't" Hyunjin's Mom cried and kneeled "Please, save Hyunjin. You are the only person we trust"

Doctor Hwang helped his wife stand and faced the personal doctor "Is there any way for Hyunjin to survive the cancer?"

"The disease is incurable b-but we can still t-try if he will cooperate with us. We can also recommend him to the hospital in the states. I will go with him for his safety" Hyunjin's doctor

"A-Alright. Do anything you can. I will pay no matter how much it is. Just save my son. I'm begging you" Doctor Hwang begged as he glanced at the emergency room where Hyunjin is


After a few hours, Hyunjin was brought to the private room where there is a see through window glass, it was like an ICU room but this is a lot more better and comfortable. The room that was made specially for Hyunjin only. The room where he always at, when he is having some attack or just got out of the surgery room.

"He is going to be fine, right?" Jeongin asked while looking at the glass

"What's wrong with him? He never told us about it" Jisung emotionally said

"How can he be so hard headed? He should've told his parents about it and get treated" Minho annoyingly said as he felt useless for not knowing Hyunjin's condition

All of them cares for Hyunjin but Minho is the one who always looks out for Hyunjin. The one who secretly monitors Hyunjin's health and update his doctor or his parents about it. He never left him, or never forced him to drink. He wants him to be well and he us willing to do everything just to make sure Hyunjin will be fine.

Everyone is watching Hyunjin outside the room, how his heart monitor moves and how he sleeps peacefully. They thankful that Hyunjin is fine, at least nothing bad happened to him. Too bad, Hyunjin can only survive thanks to the oxygen and tube inserted to him. It was the same as what happened to Sunghyun, oxygen and tube were the only thing that supports him to survive everyday but they have different disease.

Inside the room were his parents and younger brother. The three were staring at Hyunjin as tears kept falling from his eyes. He dared to care for someone else when he can't even take care of himself. Hyunsoo is mad at himself for not asking about Hyunjin's feelings. He should've known him well since they are brothers and grew up together through ups and down.

"Hyunjin, please wake up" Doctor Hwang whispered as he held his hand tight

"Baby, wake up. Your friends are here. They will get mad at you for not spending time with them" Hyunjin's Mom said while crying

Everyone is desperate for Hyunjin to be well. All they can do now is, hope, pray and wait for something to happen.

But one person doesn't have any idea of what's happening...

It's Yuki.

I love you, Yuki. | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now