"He punched Jake though" retorted Louis thoughtfully.

"And? You stood up for him as well that day. That's what you told me had happened. You're even if you want. But that's stupid. It's not a competition on who defended the other the most. This is about why you couldn't do it and why he doesn't try to understand you and why he acted like an asshole although he promised to be there for you through all of your fears. You can't pretend that nothing happened. Talk to him" advised Zayn him desperately.

"I know you're right and we should talk but ..." started Louis but had to stop because he had to cough violently for two seconds. "But it's not that easy to make him talk".

"Are you okay, Tommy? You look pale" asked Zayn worriedly, eyeing Louis from top to bottom.

"I don't feel so good in these last couple of days" admitted Louis with an aching head.

"Since when?" checked Zayn and lay a hand against Louis' forehead.

"Your birthday. Or even before. I'm not quite sure" mused Louis unsurely. "It's not always that noticeable. It switches from headache to balance problems or coughing and sneezing or just feeling out of energy".

"Do you think it has something to do with your fight with Harry?" questioned Zayn carefully.

"That's not possible" answered Louis determined but then thought about all his weird symptoms and things that had happened before their fight that weren't normal. "Right, Joey?".

"Looking at you I think it is possible" frowned Zayn in concern.

"Why is our bond so weird? What did we do wrong?" furrowed Louis his eyebrows together, feeling his energy getting less by the second.

"I don't think you did something wrong, Tommy. It looks like your bond is stronger than any of ours, maybe. One more reason to talk to him. Listen, I'll go down and fetch you some tea and soup from the kitchen while you lie down, okay?" stood Zayn up from the bed, deep in thought.

"Thanks, Joey" smiled Louis wearily at him, crawling under his covers.

"No problem, Tommy" smiled Zayn back at him.

"Oh, and um could you bring a bit more? Something tells me I'm not the only one feeling like shit" cleared Louis his throat embarrassed.

"Sure thing" and with that Zayn left the room.

Emotionally exhausted, Louis snuggled deeper into his pillow and fisted his blanket. He was feeling hot all over, but cold inside. His marks were burning like hell and the skin around them was itching like crazy. He felt really sick, but more mentally than physically even though his body was affected too. None of this made sense in his head.

Not much later, Zayn came back into the dorm with a tray in hand, balancing a teapot, two mugs and a big bowl of soup on it.

"Thank you, Joey" thanked Louis him again as he took one of the mugs and poured himself some tea into it.

"It's really nothing you need to thank me for. I'm your friend and look after you. You'd do the same and you know it" waved Zayn the matter off.

"I would, but I'd understand if you didn't do it after I ignored you and left your party" replied Louis, still feeling guilty about it.

"Stop feeling guilty about it. We can party any time you want. As soon as you're better, deal?" suggested Zayn to him.

"Deal" accepted Louis relieved.

"Wonderful. Now I'll leave you to it for a bit because I need to talk to someone" walked Zayn over to the door.

"With whom?" wondered Louis sceptically.

Two Hearts, One Soul (Larry Version)Where stories live. Discover now