Chapter 9

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"Just wanna say thank you for letting me stay for awhile." Sunghoon tightens his hug.

Sunoo just smiled and face the older male, he hugs him back and patted his back. "Don't do this every time you wanted to thank me. I might get used to it." Sunoo chuckled.

"Then get used to it." Sunghoon gave him a warm smile and put his arm on Sunoo's shoulder. "Let's go?"

'What did he mean?' Sunoo was confused but shrugged it off.

They both go to the grocery and bought stuff that they needed, Sunoo made sure that everything is in their cart.

"Do we need all this much?" Sunghoon asked looking at their cart full of stuff that they don't really need.

"Yes." Sunoo answered looking at the aisle for more.

"Um... But this can be a month of supply tho." Sunghoon stated hinting that Sunoo should stop putting things in their cart.

"Let me be, I'll pay for them." Sunoo reassured.

Sunghoon just nodded and helps Sunoo with the cart.

After they bought almost everything in the grocery they put their purchases on Sunghoon's car and head straight to his apartment.

When they arrived at Sunghoon's apartment they are greeted by Niki and let them in. Sunoo sat on the couch and just watches TV Shows while Sunghoon and Niki are inside the room packing stuff.

They are having a conversation about Sunoo and how's staying there, Sunghoon just answered them truthfully. He is really happy with Sunoo by his side.

"I don't know it's just I really like being with him." Sunghoon stated which made Niki smirk.

"Someone's in love." Niki teased the older male.

"Nah... I like him really but as a friend."

"Ouch." Niki acted like he is hurt. "I can clearly see that he likes you too bad you only see him as a friend."

"Where did you get that he likes me?" Sunghoon raised his eyebrows.

"Dude! Of course, I do. I just do and believe me." Niki crossed his arms. "I can sense that when I first saw him at the cafeteria."

"You're jumping to conclusions there my friend." Sunghoon stated not impressed at Niki's statement.

"Up to you then. It's not my business tho, I am just trying to help you know."

"Blah... Blah... Got to go now."

Sunghoon was about to exit the room when he saw Sunoo standing there, he was taken aback.

"A-are you done yet?" Sunoo asked clearly something is bothering him.

"Yeah." Sunghoon answered. "Let's go?"

Sunoo nodded and bid goodbye to Niki and went straight outside, Niki gave Sunoo a worried smile but didn't bother anyway it's not his problem anymore.

Sunghoon and Sunoo are now inside the car, Sunoo was just silent while they were on the ride. He didn't want to say anything at the moment, he felt betrayed and hurt.

"Nah... I like him really but as a friend." This sentence keeps on repeating in his head he felt sick and drained.

Sunoo is now sure that he didn't get any chance from his crush Park Sunghoon.

'Friends it is.' Sunoo bitterly smiled why looking at the road.

Sunghoon then noticed Sunoo being silent and that's not Sunoo for him, he was worried about the younger.

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